Hi all!
As you all know from my introduction, I'm not a former JW. I was raised RC, though like ever good RC, I got to church no more than twice a year (Christmas and Easter). If there was a wedding or a funeral that year, I generally skip one or both of the holidays to boot. Sad huh? Hey, don't cry for me, Argentina! Anyhow, just for the sake of conversation (and curiosity on my part), I have a question. While I understand that it is a big adjustment for most leaving the borg (my wife, Rebel8 is an ex-JW as you all know), did any of you subsequently join another organized religion, and if so, which ones?
I would completely understand if after all the difficulties of being a JW, most would choose to not be affiliated with any other organized religion, but I'm curious if some have? My wife and I (as you can imagine) have had MANY MANY discussions on religion (in general) and I'd like to share my opinions with you all, however, I'd like to see how you all respond to my query first.
So, the question isn't JW or NO JW, but assuming most are NO JW, then Religion or NO Religion?
P.C. (Prince Charming)