Life after JW

by Mr. Rebel8 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Rebel8
    Mr. Rebel8

    Hi all!

    As you all know from my introduction, I'm not a former JW. I was raised RC, though like ever good RC, I got to church no more than twice a year (Christmas and Easter). If there was a wedding or a funeral that year, I generally skip one or both of the holidays to boot. Sad huh? Hey, don't cry for me, Argentina! Anyhow, just for the sake of conversation (and curiosity on my part), I have a question. While I understand that it is a big adjustment for most leaving the borg (my wife, Rebel8 is an ex-JW as you all know), did any of you subsequently join another organized religion, and if so, which ones?

    I would completely understand if after all the difficulties of being a JW, most would choose to not be affiliated with any other organized religion, but I'm curious if some have? My wife and I (as you can imagine) have had MANY MANY discussions on religion (in general) and I'd like to share my opinions with you all, however, I'd like to see how you all respond to my query first.

    So, the question isn't JW or NO JW, but assuming most are NO JW, then Religion or NO Religion?

    P.C. (Prince Charming)

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I left the wts about 6 months ago, and am gradually rebuilding my life. Progress is steady, even a little slow sometimes, but I am getting there. So far, I haven't visited another church, and for the moment at least have no plans to do so. I am not even sure of what I believe in anymore. I am not an atheist, but am beginning to doubt the existence of a loving God. To be honest, I am very apprehensive, to say the least, about the prospect of going to any kind of church at the moment. After spending around half my life in the wts, the thought of even the slightest involvement in another religion fills me with dread.

  • looking_glass

    I have wondered the same thing ... if people went elsewhere. It appears from reading some posts that ex-JWs have moved to other religions.

    As for me, myself and I - I don't believe in organized religion and thus, have not turned to anything else.

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    I left the JWs over 2 yrs ago but was basically inactive for years. About a year ago I finally felt open to the idea of another religion but did didn't pursue it. My guy is a Lutheran. I've gone a few times. We talk religion. He will NEVER be a JW - THANK GOD!!! He's agreed to the ELCA Lutheran version in place of the stricter version he grew up with. Since I can take part without having to go through the confirmation classes and ceremony I like it and I don't feel pressurized. He would like to go more - but I am not ready for that - maybe someday I will be, maybe not.

  • Honesty

    I went to Jesus.

    He led me to a church that is autonomous in nature and, at the same time is loosely affiliated with a group of other autonomous churches where resources are pooled and missions are directed to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.

    As for belonging to another organized religion of the Jehovah's Witness style, why would anyone in their right mind want to be controlled by an ecclesiastical body composed of sinful humans who don't have sense enough to get in out of the rain?

  • lovelylil

    I went to Jesus. I go to church for the fellowship a few times a month. I have to drive over an hour and a half each way to go to the one I like. But it is worth it. It is non-denominational and there is no central authority over them. I am not on any role call. In addition to this, I also worship and read the bible at home, in the park, in my yard, anywhere. My faith is now a living one.

  • anewme

    Welcome Mr. Rebel 8, I was a witness for 32 years and left in 2001 after a very dramatic and traumatic dfing departure. I languished and barely breathed for 4 years til coming to this site last summer.

    Now I am pretty much all healed and see clearly what happened to me. As far as marching with another church I am not ready. But I have visited other sanctuaries and gone to weddings and funerals held in churches and have been very impressed by what I saw.

    I saw people coming together for healing and fellowship and community. Of course I am aware that underneath there is probably some heavy doctrinal teaching going on. From a visitors standpoint even the Kingdom Halls appear to be swell places.

    But I have had my fill of heavy scriptural stuff for a while. What did Jesus really mean when he said this or that? Was he wearing two sandals with socks or bare feet? Matthew says his feet were covered and Mark says his bare feet were covered. Im just teasing, but the scriptures and all the discussion about wording and commas and punctuation and dates wears me out and even scares me. I feel I may be losing time to learn the bigger picture.

    We never know when our time will be up and I think it would be a pity to leave this world never knowing more about God and my relationship with the mysterious than what the Awake magazine told me.

    So I am on a search for the Divine in my own way.....maybe through conversation like this with his delightful creatures! Im truly hoping for some revelation or breakthrough to propel me into a new and fascinating direction.

    Got any ideas???


  • juni

    I have no other religion.

    But I will go to my grandkids' baptisms and holiday singing and any other thing that would come up. I feel I put in my time for 21 years. I know I'm being smug. Religion just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    I feel being a spiritual person does not equate to belonging to a religion. But I respect other's decisions if they feel the need.


  • juni

    Hi anewme!!

    Ever try Wiccan? Just kidding. Their big holiday comes up in May. In Madison, WI on the west side they have a big - whatever they call their churches.

    My daughter's employee is one. She's wierd and so are her friends. Maybe not all are though.


  • Synergy

    After much prayer and research I have had the Lord reveal himself to me. I am a TRUE Christian now. I do not affiliate myself with a certain "religon". I am non denominational Christian and I attend a non denominational church. I sometimes church hop just to go see how people worship. I am very active in my church though and it makes me happy.


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