What were the main things that made you realise the WTS is a fraudulent organisation the real aim of which is to conceal important truths from its members while cleverly manipulating them to work for its interests?
They have secrets that they do not reveal to the R&F. For me it was the way the GB treated the other "anointed" as non entities in the org, it made me realise that they are power lusting self serving wolves with Fred Franz being the classic example. Such persons radiate a power of death and destruction to all those under them.
Learn the truth and it will free you.
The main thiings that made you grasp the WTS fraud.
by greendawn 17 Replies latest social relationships
607 BCE -wrong therefore 1914 wrong therefore 1919 and god entrusting his belongings to the FDS
1975 was the start for me. I was born into the madness in 1965 so you can imagine how often I heard about the year 1975. And when the year came and went and everyone around me was acting like there was never a fuss made about that year, that stuck with me. When I was old enough I did some research and here I now am...out for good, thankfully never baptised into that godforsaken religion.
I think it was Farkel or GaryBuss (do you think I can find the thread?) who said, "It's a PUBLISHING COMPANY, people." After that, everything else made sense. I'd been trying to untangle the organization's doctrines to explain their behavior, impossible. They change their doctrines to suit.
But, consistently, firmly, WTBTS bows down to the mighty printing press. If anything else, that is their god.
There was a KM article in the late 1990's that stated in no uncertain terms that congregations were not to participate in any surveys or studies done by outside persons, and that any person making an inquiry along such lines was to be referred to Brooklyn.
By this time I had been around long enough to see that JW-world was incredibly dysfunctional, but to see the leadership -- the same leadership that was continually telling me how happy JW's are and how happy I should be to be a JW -- come out and say that they didn't want anybody actually doing any sociological/psychological studies on the r&f....the article just creeped me out so bad...
I'm about 20 pages short of finishing CoC and any tiny hope of "maaaaybe there's something to this 'truth' thing" has completely disappeared. This book clarified it all for me. There is no god in this org. It's a man-made idol to which sacrifices of family ties and friendships, potentially happy childhoods and adulthoods have been made. Cantankerous old coots on their Brooklyn thrones, making decisions that have ruined thousands of lives. It screams "cult" so loud that some days it rings in my ears.
So in summary, for me, the fraud is that it is ALL man-made.
think it was Farkel or GaryBuss (do you think I can find the thread?) who said, "It's a PUBLISHING COMPANY, people." After that, everything else made sense. I'd been trying to untangle the organization's doctrines to explain their behavior, impossible. They change their doctrines to suit.
Exactly !!! That was the straw that broke the camels back, as far as I was concerned. I've see elders and co's treat the r&f as if they were employees, exactly the same way some supervisors in the business world treats the employees under them. Bug
Sort of along the lines of Leo, they felt their case was so weak that they needed to misquote sources to make them appear to say things they didn't. The "creation" book and the "trinity" brochure are two astounding examples, but they do it here and there all over the place.
Why would you need to lie to support "The Truth", save for the reason that it ain't the truth?
I'll take my truths with lower-case t's, please.