I am looking for my grandfather that I have never met before. His name is Robert Funk. My Dad learned his fathers name when he applied for his social security. Robert Funk was 22 years old as of 5/14/41. He should have blue eyes, My Dad has blue eyes. My grandmother now deceased had brown eyes. I learned that my grandfather left her when she was pregnant. We will not hold anything against him. It is all in the past. We would like to meet him. If he is not alive, we would like to meet his family. I have used the 1 800 US SEARCH, etc... I have been looking for him for several years on and off, so I decided to try to find out if you could help me to find him and/or his family. Thank you!
You know anyone with the last name of Funk?
by averyniceguy 27 Replies latest jw experiences
I hope you find him!
I missed out on a relationship with one of my grandfathers because he could never accept our "cult-ure," and we could not associate with him. I was fortunate, though, to visit with him several times before he died. He was very cool. My loss.....
did you mean [edit]?
beanorama, you are abrasive and rude and lend nothing to the board. Go away!
Beanorama, My Dad said he was glad that he never had that last name.
Cyd, I agree with you that he was rude
What area are you looking in? I know of a couple of Funks
Cyd, he could be anywhere in the United States. All I know is that he lived on the Ky/Ohio Border in 1941. You can PM me to see if you can help me or not. Thank you!
Isn't there a pro golfer called Fred Funk in the US ??
Dr Jekyll