(fluff) Never eating healthy again!

by Bstndance 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bstndance

    Rant of desperation.

    So I went grocery shopping last night after a huge meal. Everyone says how it's so good to shop full because you'll buy better stuff. Well I did buy better things; BUT, I'm starving!! I had this sick idea in my head that I could make it through the day today on fruit for breakfast, salad and yogurt for lunch. AAhhh!! I think I'm going to stop by McDonald's on my way to school to get me through class.

    Anyone else try changing their diet and not have the will power like me?

  • luna2

    Everytime I try to cut out sugar it takes at least a couple of days before I can make it all the way thru 24 hours without something sweet...then I'm usually set. Until I screw up and eat sugary stuff again.

    Sounds like you weren't eating enough to keep yourself from being hungry. Might try eating more for breakfast. I've tried the fruit til noon thing and it can be difficult.

  • misanthropic

    LOL- You sound like my husband. I eat alot of veggies and whole grains but that doesn't work for him. He's tried to have me just get what I eat for groceries, planning to eat it as well since it will be all we have in the house. But then of course it never works out that way.
    I think maybe you should just try to add more fruit and veggies to what you eat. I think some guys just need more robust food than just fruit, veggies and yogurt, especially if your not used to eating them.

  • ballistic

    Never diet. Change your life. I did and have never looked back.

  • merfi

    I know a little bit about this stuff.... enough to know when I'm screwing up my 'plan' of eating right. (Body For Life dropout, 2001) First of all, "hello, my name is Rachel. I'm a carboholic." *phew*, that's out. Ok, now onto a plan of not being a starvin marvin by end of day. Try eating not a bigger breakfast, but one with more protein in it. Fruit with cottage cheese, for example. As well, fiber (*gack* I know) will keep you going (no pun intended) longer in the morning. Yogurt + salad is a good lunch, I think. But it's a loooonnng afternoon, and if your a carbophile like me, 3-4pm is "SHOW ME THE SNICKERS BAR" time. Try a handful of peanuts or almonds or something protein-y again mid-afternoon.

    Supposedly, the BEST eating plan is several small meals throughout the day, minimal carbs (cut way down on the 'white flour' carbs) and drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces in water. When I've done this, it has worked, but... then someone brought damn cookies to work one day and well... I'll be back on this "next week"


  • lucifer

    I think if I really really tried I ....would still fail with eating healthy lol, It takes to much time to prepare a meal that is healthy( I'm a vegetarian) so fast food is the answer to my problems, and I know full well it will catch up with me later, but while I'm young and stupid I'm going to enjoy every fry I can

  • anewme

    You know Bstndance, a real good breakfast that will stick with you is a hot bowl of good ol' oatmeal.
    Studies conclude that oatmeal not only lowers cholesterol, but sprinkle a little cinnamon on it and you are lowering your blood pressure too! You will not have that mid morning slump if you eat oatmeal for breakfast.

    Is that your real picture Bstndance? You are keeping your figure quite nicely. I used to think I liked only really toned guys til I met and married the Luv Muffin. He cannot work out due to an auto accident neck injury. So I make sure he eats a healthy breakfast of cereal and juice and he takes a couple of homemade oatmeal cookies to work along with a real fruit drink and a banana. He has a hard job and makes it through the day on that.

    When he comes home we always have a lean meat, a carb like rice, two veggies like brocolli and parsnip. He eats a decent plate and takes a cola to his computer for the evening. He is not gaining. I am very glad of that. His waist line is still 33".

    But as a caution, I've heard even young men are getting into eating disorders and it begins the same way it does for young women, by dieting and starving and then bingeing and purgeing. The starving lowers the metabolism and makes dieting even harder.

    All the new advice is the French way of eating.....small mini delicious meals throughout the day.

  • G Money
    G Money

    Its diet AND exercise. Diet alone will be tough as you need to burn off those calories. Get a buddy and hit the gym regularly. You don't see many fat people at the gym or if you do, they don't remain fat for long!

  • sass_my_frass

    Don't try too much too soon, is all. Make a small change every week, until after a while it's added up to a whole new lifestyle.

  • Bstndance

    Thanks for the help everyone. Yes that is my real picture, but it's over a year old. I'm going to try the oatmeal breakfast thing with a piece of fruit. I'm mainly changing my diet not to lose weight but as a way to feel better about myself (better energy, better attitude, better health) Last night my will power caved in and I had to grab a McChicken sandwich on my way to school. But since I go to school till 11pm there was no way I was going to survive without eating.

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