ESSENTIAL READING - Steven Hassan "Combating Cult Mind Control"

by jwfacts 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finally-Free
    It is interesting to note that Hassan never lists JWs as a cult, even though he does list some other groups, in the body of the text and the only reference at all to JWs is in the appendix and it is a reference to some counter-JWs sources.

    I have both books, "Combating Cult Mind Control" and "Releasing the Bonds". In the second book Steve Hassan does classify Jehovah's Witnesses as a cult.


  • Check_Your_Premises


    It is also interesting that Hassan EXPLICITLY mentions the JW in his second book, Releasing the Bonds.

    The thing about cults is they are all different in HOW they apply Lifton, and the degree of control they attempt to have over their members.

    I would submit that there is a direct correlation to how anti-social and destructive a cults doctrine is to how much control they need to have over their members. The kookier and more dangerous, the more controlling they have to be.

    I would also submit that there is a direct correlation to how much control a group attempts to acquire and how large of a group they end up being. More controlling, the smaller the group.

    Nobody doubts that there are some groups that are less controlling and abusive than the JW. That is hardly a ringing endorsement by the way. The fact of the matter is when people attempt to control people, you will almost always end up having an abusive situation.

    Abuse means one person attempts to disrupt the other person's confidence in their own ability to judge and respond to reality. I think it would be hard to read Hassan's description of mind control Combatting and not seeing a direct correlation to methods used by the wt. I guess one would HAVE to be willing to see such correlations.

    "Men often stumble upon the truth, and the quickly pick themselves up and hurry on as if nothing happened" -Winston Churchill

    So the question is why does the "truth" need to be maintained and protected by methods of unethical influence commonly used by bizarre cults, and even abusive mates? I always thought the only thing needed for the truth to flourish was for it's quality to be shown in the free and open exchange of ideas. I thought only lies had to be maintained by domination, claims of authority, and ad hominem attacks on those who disagree.

    Or maybe the question is why do some refuse to recognize or wish to minimize the reality of the unethical influence used by the wt?


  • onesong

    I think the word CULT is a derivative of the biggest cult of all --our CULTURE. With that in mind it could refer to anything that shapes your thinking.

  • Check_Your_Premises


    True, influence is all around us and ever present. I would resist the urge to throw our hands up and conclude that all influence is equal.

    One question when considering influence, is does it work to increase the amount of control the person being influenced has over their life? Or does it work to give that control to the one influencing.

    Does it do so overtly or covertly?

    Does it use as it's basis, bogus claims of authority?

    Does it use fear or guilt?

    Clearly all influence is not created equal. It is important then to recognize the differences, and what types of influence are unethical.


  • onesong

    I agree with you CYP. I never would have read the book and put the list together if I didn't think it was an extremely harmful cult.

    Just think it's interesting where how our language and ideas are created and influenced.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I know onesong. I am always aware of OTHERS reading our threads and comments. I don't want anybody to labor under false ideas such as the suggestion that influence is inescapable and therefore we shouldn't worry about it.

    I know you weren't making that point. I was just making sure others didn't mistake what you said.


  • Mulan

    That was one of the first books I read when we left the JW's. It made me feel so much better, that I wasn't the only one, hoodwinked.

    It was a real eye opener, and a bit disconcerting too. I also read his second book, which was also really good.

  • DannyHaszard
    Jehovah's Witnesses destructive cult- Faith based belief systems fall mostly into 3 categories:
    1."mainstream" mostly benevolent in my observation, you go to services once a week & socialize
    2.the "sects" sort of on the fanatical fringes
    3. the CULTS destructive, high demand,high control often apocalyptic

    How are cults destructive? they destroy:
    A). identity
    B). sanity
    C). bank account

    The above is my opinion.What does the Bible (Jesus) say?Jesus tells us how to determine the malevolence/benevolence of a group.

    Matthew 7:15-16 "be on the watch for the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inside they are ravenous wolves"by their FRUITS you will know them"

    The fruitage of the Watchtower cult is rotten to the core,no other major religion alienates and disenfranchises so many victims as Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Watchtower Jehovah's Witness Whistle-blower Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
  • DannyHaszard

    The spider in the bathtub Danny say's-don't compare identify 1994 i attended my first ex-cult support group (Boston mass) put up by Steve Hassan (i have met him face to face numerous times).At the time the only 'apostate' i knew was David Reed who had been heavily denounced.[so,bravo for the support we have today mates] We were all there---ex JW's Moonies,Children of God,Scientologist,you name it... In attendance was a women about 25 y.o. who was just balling her pretty eyes out.She went on to relate to the group,how that she had really believed in her heart of hearts that Rev. and Mrs Moon were her spiritual Father and Mother". Now for a split second i thought to myself '...silly girl what did you expect everybody knows moonies are a ripoff cult.."?Then it hit me like a thunderbolt,everybody knows the Watchtower is a bogus cult.

  • slimboyfat

    As usual, Eduardo is the lone voice of reason on this thread.

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