How does one write to the "societey" for an annulment?

by Frog 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    As a political science major and a lawyer,I believe it is crucial to assert your rights. You are not begging for their permission. Their permission is not important. You possess the authority to grant your own annulment. A vent letter may be appropriate depending on circumstances.

    Twelve Step groups encourage people to write such letters and then to burn them or throw the pieces in a lake or the ocean. People devise their own rituals with ceremonies that they like. Do something naughty with champagne. Do it with flair.

    Writing it as notice rather than request makes you stronger. It also gives them no room to maneuver. We are so used to blind authority. When I started to do unJW things, I felt so awkward. I felt guilty and wonderful at the same time.

  • Phizzy

    They will not recognise it as such, as an annulment, whether you said the vows or not, or understood what you were doing, if you gave any support to the WT after your baptism, by going in FS and by accepting a responsibility from them, esp appointed men, but a sister who watches a donation box at an ASSY will do, they say you have shown that you believed your baptism was valid.

    They will simply accept your letter as a DA letter.

    By all means send it if it makes you feel better, for me that is tantamount to saying they and their rules have some legitamacy, I do not recognise the WT as a religion, and they have no authority over me, so I will not be writing.

  • sparki1972

    my letter is more of an up yours to them and also to try and stir a bit of a hornets next with my ex wife and family as they are brain washing my kids into their rubbish and being verbally and physically abusive to me and the father is a ministerial servant and needs taking down a peg or 2!! lol

    p.s thanks for the welcomes

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