When I was a good dub, service was always fun...even aux. pioneering in the summer...Unless you worked with Bro. B.- 70 years old who never bought a new suit since the 70's...cheap, arrogant, put-your-foot-in-the-door-if-they're-not interested type. I'm sure everyone else has experienced one just like him.
But the more I doubted, the harder it became..I really realized I was bothering a majority of people....and how ridiculous the QandA of bookstudies were to intelligent adults...
The best thought was working with my former Boss (Who was an elder, my boss and my landlord...talk about complete JW control) and his equally uptight wife.....me and my younger sis Janelle (who wasn't doing well at the time, but thank god has turned her life around...dragged her "worldly" husband in, and now shuns me) would work with them...Anyway they always had this "call" 30 minutes away...we all knew it was a summer home, but it never stopped them from stopping there, even in the middle of winter. Then it was breakfast and the end of the day....yeah they were real sincere, huh? =)