Was Being a JW The Worst Thing That Ever Happened To You----In Reality??
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
No, being sexually molested by my father was...but then my JW mother knew it and did nothing.
I really dont understand the question since "being a jehovah's witness" is not something that "happens" to you, as in a specific "event", unless you are an adult convert that experiences the "event"
of baptism. Even then, its a long process. For those of us born into it, being a JW was an unchosen "state of being" rather then something that happened to us. However, I will use the question to compare two
different 'states' of being. The best I can do is compare the events happening in my life while "being a JW" versus being a "non-JW". In that case, yes, the events that happened to me while I was a JW were the
worst things that ever happened in my life. Even when shitty things do happen to me now, they are much easier to cope with without the mental chains of the watchtower clanging in my mind.
Joining the JWs was the single most stupid decision of my life. It was the starting point of many more stupid decisions, and many bad things happened to me as a result.
I guess what I'm driving at is that for some exjws, it sounds like the worst thing that could've ever happened to them is that they ever were Jehovah's Witnesses. And because they were at one time, Witnesses, they believe their life is ruined.
Loosing a lot of money on the stock market was a worse experience, at least the JWs didn't get much out of me.
The worst thing that ever happened to me was my marriage. Right after that I became a dub...major dumb decision #2. Unfortunately, it all stems from the same source....rampant idealism and insecurity.
I often feel like I've wasted all of my life, one way or another.
zen nudist
I really cannot say being a JW harmed me in any noticeble way
It was a horribly dumb decision. I was a happy and stable person who became a suicidal mess. I am thankful I am just alive. I also use to trust people. My family, my husband. I now trust no one now. I know that most people only like you if you are doing what they want.
No, but it's in the top 5.