I came out of the closet when I was 18 yrs to my parents & the elders expelled me out ever since that my life has changed completely!!! I was born under a JW household and I finally celebrated my first birthday when I was 21 yrs and it felt weird. I was just wondering how to cope w/ this feelings, sometimes I want to go back but I can't ignore my feelings. I tried in the past and what ended up happening is that I fall in love w my bible study teacher LOL... anyone out there w/ the same situation?
Gay & Lesbian JW where are you?
by LEC 13 Replies latest jw experiences
There are quite a few gay ex-JWs here on the site. Lots of us have gone through some very trying times in coming to accept ourselves the way we were created. My life is soooo much better out of the organization. Got a partner of 5 years, a grown son, two dogs, a pickup and a Subaru, can't beat that!
In fact life is good whenever anyone chooses to live authentically whether gay or straight.
I'm sure you'll get lots of responses.Blessings,
I'm a lesbian in a mans body
In fact life is good whenever anyone chooses to live authentically whether gay or straight.
Here, here! I'll definitely second that!
Welcome to the forum, LEC. I'm not gay, but I am definitely equal rights for all: and I have always tried to be a good friend to the GLBT community, ex-jw and never JW! People are people, and love is love, that's my stand. As long as you're talking about two people who love each other and are adults...then it's no one's place to judge.
Hope you get lots of good responses, or at least PM's (hint, hint, to anyone who might not want to post openly on the forum, you can always PM!)
I think your feelings are very common. I know I considered going back for a long time...to make my grandmother happy, to make my mother happy, to just stop being the 'family embarrassment." but I am who I am, and there's no changing that for any manmade organization, let alone one as messed up as the JW's are. So I have no plans to go back. But it is totally normal to consider it.
Cherish your freedom above all else :)
hugs and again, welcome!
My flight from the JWs had nothing to do with my sexuality, but my sexuality definately ruled out any possibility of me going back. I still haven't come out to my parents because I don't want to ruin what little of a relationship I have left with my mother. But I definitely couldn't subject myself to any environment where I would have to repress something that seems to me to be so natural.
Even though I may not be in the exact same boat as you are, I can promise you that going back to the organization is something harmful for you in the long term. Just keep asking questions, but don't be afraid of the answers you might find. -
I suppose you could call me bi. But i live with my boyf now. One of the first things that made me question the religion was when I was sitting in the park with other young JW's on a sunny day. There were 2 guys sunbathing near us and they were holding hands. The other witnesses were disgusted and voiced as such. When I said to the them to stop it, they thought I'd said something demonic even!! Me and my boyf go to a lot of gay clubs etc, just cos we always have a better time there, free to be yourself and dance!!
I've seen there is a website especially for gay/lesbian ex-jw's. www.gayxjw.org and www.gaywitness.force9.co.uk. Don't know what they are like really. They may help you if you wanna meet other ex jw's that are gay?
I'm really proud of you for coming out in such a difficult situation. I went to college to study fashion, so I made a lot of gay friends, and my aunt is gay. It's amazing to hear the stories of things that gay people go through just to be themselves. I think they must be one of the strongest, brave groups of people there are!
Where's EvilForce these days? Did I miss something?
Try this site, starting with this page:
Sorry bub, I'm glad for you that you are free, but I know how much you hurt sometimes. I hope you can work it out!
Where's EvilForce these days? Did I miss something?
Midwich - I think EF got banned but he's alive and well on thomschat - last time I looked and still as gay as cucumber. Terri - I am southern England and bi too, although for now, subduing lesbionic tendencies in favour of my long term straight relationship. LEC - welcome to the board!
Gay. And most of the other guys in my congregation and neighboring congregations were gay or bi. We just never talked about it... just did it.