What kind of a forum member do you consider yourself to be? Are you trying to be dedicated, helpful to others, humourous, expressive, intellectual, or something else?
What sort of forum member are you?
by greendawn 56 Replies latest jw friends
many different types of forum members are listed and described here..
me.. i dunno what i am. i deal with life with laughter.. so there is humor in a lot of my posts. i hope i'm compassionate and non judgemental in dealing with people here. dunno, its a learning experience thats for sure..
helpful, humourous, expressive,
intellectual, and something else -
definitely "something else." muahahaha!
Try to be helpful and considerate with my postings. Sometimes I feel like a nut and sometimes I don't. (humor)
something else
fluff master.
Sometimes all of the above, sometimes none of the above. Just depends on the subject and the mood.
I think I'm probably one of the "invisible" posters. I try to be kind and encouraging, but I'm not very wordy.
AK - Jeff
Generally helpful. Occasionally a bit too sarcastic and bitter -when the right buttons get pushed by a jw troll or defender.
Empathic. I was on both ends of the JW spectrum - spiritual man most of the time - also a couple periods of being inactive. I spent many decades in, so I am so in love with those who see the need to get out. Scales falling from the eyes are my favorite sight to behold.
I leave the deeper intellectual pursuits to those wishing to dig that hard. Me - I have seen the light and spend my time digging in the garden now.
I love to see people start down the trail to light - and will do all I can to aide them in that. I see it as part of my life mission now.
Mostly pretty forgettable in this space - so many others are better qualified or better with words. But still glad to participate.