The GB are annointed??

by mathead 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mathead

    If the GB are annointed then the watchtower is written by Jehoover. Is Jehoover trying to decieve us with countless watchtower revisions?

    BTW got any good watchtower revisions? I know there has been some posts on this but the search function on this site is broke. I need some good ones so I can place them as "TRACTS" in the local laundromats and bulletin boards. or hand them out to "PASSERBY"

  • blondie

    The GB all individually claim to be anointed and are acknowledged as being such by the WTS.

    Of course, you and I may have a different opinion.


  • ocsrf

    The March 15th. Watchtower on page 26 announces the latest additons to the GB. Mr. Geoffrey W. Jackson and Anthony Morris 3rd..

    I understood from other posts that they were not of the annointed until that fateful day that they were invited to of the GB or perhaps just before that.

    Does anyone have addtional information on this subject. To me seems a bit scandolous. In other words anyone who becomes a member of the GB automatically has that feeling of being of the annointed.


  • lovelylil

    They have to say they are anointed so they can join the GB. I know a few years ago, a position opened up on the GB and then all of a sudden, a member of the great crowd that was at Bethel all of a sudden became anointed?

    In order to be anointed by Holy Spirit, you must be showing evidence of all the fruitage of the spirit. And I am not saying you will be perfect but I will say this: Your anointing means you are one of Christ's brothers and his FOOT STEP followers. Now really, is the GB following in Christ's footsteps? I think if Jesus was on earth right now he would call them all pharisitical hypocrites! Jesus once asked some who claimed to follow him "why do you call me Lord, when you do not do as I say?". The fact that the GB is not protecting innocent children, not taking care of widows, not showing love for others by putting the needs of the sheep ahead of their own, not being honest about any matters concerning the flock including financial decisions, is guilty of false prophecising, puts a heavy yoke on the flock, and does not even thank Christ in any way for the so-called spiritual food but rather takes all the thanks themselves, plus much more.....well, they are showing by their own works they are not Christ's brothers. Therefore, (and I usually would not judge) it is obvious they are not.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    The GB are annointed?? LOL

    From the actions of some of these men, we can see that the answer is NO !

  • blondie

    A JWD poster here, Euphemism, said his father knows one of the new GB personally for over the last 20 years and he has been partaking for over 20 years.

    They don't choose people who just started partaking. The last 6 to 7 started partaking after 1935 but have been partaking personally for 20 years or more. Some of them were COs and DOs and were called in off the road to work at Bethel and be observed and trained. Most of them worked as assistants to the GB, most of which are not anointed but are not required to be nonanointed.

    All of the GB are anointed and just not professing to be anointed when they are appointed. They have to be perceived by the WT administration as being serious about their anointing and proving to be company men.


  • ocsrf

    Thank you blondie,

    I did not know that they had been professing for so long.

    Interesting, these fellows would have been in their early thirties when that feeling of being annointed came over them. Makes you wonder what goes through their minds so that they think they are so different then everyone else. If it were a true annointing, than I guess you just say it was God that did it, if you discount this, than, that means there is something going on in their minds that doesn't go on with most of us.


  • uninformed


    Not long ago someone put the GB ages and dates of baptism on this site.

    You know where that might be?


  • MidwichCuckoo

    When are the nephilim nephinim expected to be active? (As there have been 2 recent deaths on the GB)

  • jwfacts

    The new GB have been anointed for some time, so sorry but no scandal there. i know Geoff personally and remember when he got the calling over 10 years ago. Though I did wonder if it was suggested that he become anointed, and was groomed for being on the GB. He had spent a number of years on various branch committees, such as in Fiji.

    For some of the changes in the watchtowers see

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