mark of the beast..

by candidlynuts 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    a friend of mine recently was turned down for a loan...

    in his disgruntled complaint he jokingly said the mark of the beast is obviously your credit rating..

    i laughed..but tonight was reading something and came across the scripture that describes the mark of the beast:

    Revelation 13:17 states:
    "... no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or name of the beast, or the number of his name."

    maybe he was on to something eh?

  • mkr32208
    a friend of mine

    Your friends with brownboy?

  • blondie

    Here's some ideas.

    One, it's a microchip implanted in your body...........

  • prophecor
    prophecor puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

  • candidlynuts

    i just found my friends comment funny.. this is more tongue in cheek than serious!

    besides.. i saw on the BBC that RFID tags was the mark of the beast lol

    i wonder if 666 is a good credit rating

  • blondie
    Scoring categories
    The scale runs from 300 to 850. The vast majority of people will have scores between 600 and 800. A score of 720 or higher will get you the most favorable interest rates on a mortgage, according to data from Fair Isaac Corp., a California-based company that developed the credit score. (Its own score is called the FICO score.)

  • candidlynuts

    so 666 is a mediocre credit rating.. shoulda figured LOL

  • Mary

    What doesn't count in a score
    The scoring model doesn't look at:

    • age
    • race
    • job or length of employment at your job
    • income
    • education
    • marital status
    • whether you've been turned down for credit
    • length of time at your current address
    • whether you own a home or rent

    If lenders don't take into consideration things like how long you've been at your job, your income or anything else that shows "stability", it might explain why so many people are given access to tens of thousands of dollars in credit and then end up declaring bankruptcy.

  • Crumpet

    So what does count in calculations of the score for heaven's sake?!

  • looking_glass

    It is my understanding that the biggest thing they look at is your debt to earning ratio.

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