I never recieved any answers from the mighty ones regarding why they were called the faithful and dscret slaves. And if their mission was to give out food to the naive mindless flock , then why was I starving for answers? Soon I gave up when mom continually said to keep to my lessons in the WT and stop questioning Jehopes orderly organization..
Faultful & Deceitful slave?
by MadamDefiance 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They call themselves the FDS because they use the scripture in Mathew 24:45 . What it really comes down to is the book publishing corporation taking control over the followers and making all sorts of doctrine and dogma that they claim is spiritual food from God . They seem to not be clear as to their stand on whether they are prophets or spirit inspired , those are very dodgy dogma . Funny thing too is how they continue to disprove their own dogma . It's kinda like a dog chasing it's own tail . Yet they will always say they had the truth the whole time .
Thanks for your words of enlightment. But the Faultful & deceitful slvs are not the only ones that can publish books. There are so many sad truths out there waiting to be heard by the world. More and more people will discover their dogmatic teachings....... So if they are calling themselves heavenly slaves then all the rest in the org are considered animals?????
Mathew 24:45? The following verse sort of disqualifies the FDS then. 46. Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. (KJ)
James Free
I never recieved any answers from the mighty ones regarding why they were called the faithful and dscret slaves
They call themselves the FDS throughout the literature, as if the FDS is controlling the Org. But in fact the FDS, using their definition - any anointed on the earth at any given moment in time - is not controlling the Org, it is not even consulted. The reality is that the GB controls everything, as representatives of the FDS, who have no say in their appointment. Find THAT in the bible...
Welcome MadamDefiance!!!
Don't expect any straight forward replys from the FDS! They're full of BS!
Glad to see you've escaped JW land, even if only mentally.
Welcome Madam,
looking forward to hearing more of your story. -
Star Moore
The truth is the WT is now, the EVIL slave, which is talked of right after the faithful slave in Math. 24. (With the hypocrites, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth)
That's what I believe anyways...
Soon I gave up when mom continually said to keep to my lessons in the WT and stop questioning Jehopes orderly organization..
That's right! Keep to your lessons! As the faithless and deceitful knave class continues to practice "repitition for emphasis" on your mind you will eventually accept everything they say without a second thought! You will eventually understand that they are Holy because they say so! No further explanation is needed! No questions will be tolerated!
Yah I agree with Star More . Even tho they don't litterally beat people they really do use their possition to control and manipulate . They are down right abusive toward people over raising money and spending all their time explaining dogma . According to them you aren't a christian unless you start selling magazines for them .