What can I even say?
Slender, righteous virgin sought for marriage...
by Cady 23 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for link cady - hands off, I saw him first lol - have emailed him. He requests a photo (doesn't specify clothed or not, which should I send?), so he's not JUST after a 'Spiritual' partner.
Bet he DOES get quite a few responses.......
His pic reminds me a bit of Steve Martin.
Too bad his attitude sucks @$$.
Okay...if you've decided to click on this can go away now if you meet neither criteria. Seriously, if you don't meet that criteria, and you continue to read you'll likely just begin to hate me. The virgin I'm looking for is a woman who hasn't joined herself in a sexual act with a man or a beast, a woman who has not become one flesh with any man nor any other living creature. A righteous widow is a woman whose first husband was the first man that she joined herself to physically and became one flesh with him…throughout her marriage (or prior) she never joined herself to any other man nor to any beast. When her husband died (through no purposeful intent nor act, nor purposeful inaction of hers) then she has maintained her sexual integrity and has not joined herself to any man or beast. Such a woman may be widowed more than once as was Tamar whose wicked husbands God killed because they refused to give her their seed.
Now all of this will seem utterly weird and strange to any woman who has her mind set on the false Pauline doctrines promoted or promulgated in today's most popular churches. So called "Christian" Churches today are filled with divorced men and women who have then married each other. In short, modern so-called 'Christian' churches are filled with adulterers and adulteresses and have their marriages sanctified by blind shepherds who do not the will of God nor do they have respect for the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph the Messiah who commanded that men shall not put away their wives except for fornication (adultery or bestiality). Jesus also further commanded that wives could not put their husbands away for any reason and that for a woman to do so and to join her flesh with another man makes her into an adulteress and the man that she so joins with becomes an adulterer. This is pretty straightforward stuff and are the commandments of the Son of God. How is it then that men and women in the hundreds of thousands of so-called 'Christian' churches put themselves into disobedience to Christ and then still call themselves 'Christians'... Isn't it true that they will be among those who will cry unto Him and say Lord, Lord...but He will say to them... 'I never knew you'? Christ said: If you wish to enter into life then keep the commandments. How is it that all these people want to be in disobedience to the very God Whose Name they call upon and then are unable to act in the power of the Son that was promised to all of those who were in obedience to Him.
Yes, it is true that women and men in all ages have had sexual congress with animals, dogs, horses, sheep, cattle but a righteous man or woman has never committed such an act that makes them worthy of death.
If you're such a righteous woman then please get in contact with me. You'll know that I'm not asking for too much but only asking for a mate wherein the two of us can be pleasing to the Living God Whose servant I am.
I will show such a woman the pathway to the throne of the Living God; the pathway into the eternal Garden of Delights; the doorway into the Temple of the Most High. Together she and I will enquire of the LORD and will behold His beauty in that Holy Place. Her and I will walk from this life into everlasting Life in His Presence.
I am a man of conviction and strong Spiritual resolve and I will take care of the heart of my beloved and give her heart the safest place in the world in which to reside and repose in peace and safety and joy.
Write me please with recent photos of yourself and I'll send you recent photos of me. Peace and joy to all who answer this missive in peace.- this is in or around NW
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154705055 -
I'm sorry but all I can say is that what woman in her right mind would date a man who chooses to wear a tie like that! Ugh!
Steve Martin? Ken Barlow more like.
yeah but good ole ken wouldn't turn down a bit of deidre if she'd had previous "congress".
I can;t get over how someone would stipulate that their wife had not been with an animal - thats just soooo not on my list of things I would reject in a partner - I mean honestly - is this guy Australian or something?
Sad emo
Initial response - pffffffhhhhh!
Second response -
He only wants someone who hasn't slept with a living creature..... hmmmm....
no, I won't even go there!
(emo is in wicked thoughts mode today )
Oh sad emo - you have put naughty ideas in my head - I want to email my application and say I fit all categories and have only slept with dead beings and see what reply I get! hehe!