Survey and question for those that follow my JC hearing tapes

by SickofLies 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul

    It feels awkward saying it (because of the name) but, I agree with "vomit." Which is odd, because in real life vomit doesn't agree with me...

    (1) How do they think this will affect your mother?

    (2) Are they proud of judging someone they called a brother so that his friends and family must shun him to keep from being shunned themselves?

    (3) Have they considered that since you will soon be set free of their rules you will be free to talk as much as you want to whomever you want without any anxiety?


  • Severus

    Ahh, the denouement with the Internet as an deus ex machina.

    It's all business now. But the elders will be expecting anything from you, so you could use this to your advantage.

    Sit tight and use your usual methods to annoy them into a froth.

  • ButtLight

    Bring a briefcase with you, and dont put a recorder in it. Thats where they saw the last one, so this time they may ask you to open it. The first question out of their mouths this time is do you have any recording devices on you?

  • WingCommander


    I have been following every post of yours, and listened to every audio tape in absolute horror and disgust. The fact that none of them even really opened a Bible to give you spiritual support tells me what for a "witch hunt," and "lynch mob" they truly are. You're toast for sure, so fuck em'! After they tell you of your DF status, tell them where to stick their man-made rules, JC committees, and stupid rules! After a good talking down to on them, whip out your digital camera (make sure it is on burst mode) and start clicking away!

    Also, make sure that tape recorder is hidden somewhere other than your briefcase. They were such assholes to you - I found it completely pathetic and unwarranted. Being DF'd for just asking questions and sharing opinion that MIGHT be contradictory to WTBS teachings? Pure BS!!

    I'd say, "Fuck you scribes and pharisees!", while walking out the door clicking their pictures. Oh yeah, I just love how they threatened you last time with "Big Trouble Buster", if you were caught taping or taking pictures of them. How the hell do they think they are? Pricks!

    Best of luck to you,

    Wing Commander

  • rebel8

    1. Yes.
    2. IMO you have already emphasized more points than they are willing to listen to.
  • startingover

    What if they don't, then what?

    I must say you are a damn good actor.

  • lovelylil


    Make sure you share all the details with us tonight or "YOU WILL BE IN BIG TROUBLE BUSTER!" do you hear me? "BIG TROUBLE"

  • upside/down

    I'd Call 911....say your being gang raped... then pull your pants down to your ankles...and start brawling...

    and TAPE IT!!!

    ....but hey that's just me...


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    1. Do you think I will get DF'ed tonight?

    Does the Pope live in the woods? You bet you will! Was there any doubt?

    2. What points should I emphize at the hearing tonight?

    • that having gone through their process, you can understand why they deviate from the example of the early Christian congregation, who held such investigations before the entire congreation: if they did that, the rank-and-file would quickly learn what a bunch of 'untrained volunteer' boobs they were. Stupidity likes to hide behind closed doors.
    • If they offer to pat you down, ask them if they enjoy touching other men, then ask if maybe they find children more compliant. You want to go out with a splash, right?
    • If a melee breaks out after you suggest they're a bunch of old fruits, don't permit them to make you a martyr for the apostates! We do not have martyrs, we have heros. Of course you have to let them make the first agressive move, but you DON'T have to let them touch you. While you beat the crap out of them, keep calling out, "Stop! Don't hit me! That hurts! I don't want to fight!" Remember that you will be recorded. If your companion hears the sounds of a melee coming from the room, he should call the police immediately and report a gang assault in a church.

    I have never been the 'beneficiary' of a committee meeting nor have I participated in any. I was appalled at what a moronic amateurish "investigation" they conducted into insignificant issues. If they had a single ball or brain cell between the bunch of them, there was no evidence of it on those tapes. what a bunch of fookin' clowns!

  • SickofLies

    Good responces all.

    First I doubt the elders will try and preform an illegal search and seaure on my person as this is a fedral offence in Canada if your not authorized to do it. If they try I will tell them that it is illegal and I will not submit, if they insist I will call the police and have them charged.

    Second, believe it or not I still get the impression that they haven't got what they need to DF me yet, otherwise why meet three times? Just for shits a giggles? They are desprately looking for anything they can use to DF me on. If they knew about the recordings on the net at this point I'm sure they would just say we've decided to upload the decision to DF you and leave it at that, no more meetings and no more potential embarassments for the borg.

    Third, the one point I will bring up at the meeting that I got from you guys is going to be about what gives them the right to judge others in cases that are so vauge, did Jesus not say to take the rafter out of your own eye first? Did he not also say do not judge others for if you do you will be judged by the same standards?

    If anyone with good bible knowledge could artculate that a little better that would be great. My meeting will be at 9:30pm tonight. I don't know why they always insist on holding these things in the dead of the night, but oh well.

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