Why wasnt Noah's wife mentioned in Bible?

by Stewart75 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • katiekitten
    Sometimes when you make up a story its hard to make up names.

    ROFLMAO!!!! Even my 8 year old daughter laughed like a drain at that! Wasnt she busy being turned into a tablet of soap? Im a bit fuzzy about all the details since I left...

  • lovelylil

    No, that was Lot's wife and it was salt.

  • greendawn

    Actually the names of the two wives of Lamech (not Noah's father) are mentioned as Zillah and Adah, he had quite a history as the father of tribes involved in sheparding, musicians, and metal workers, he also killed someone. Genesis 4:19-23.

    Yet the wives names of more worthy persons like Noah are not mentioned.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    Remember a sister cannot keep her maiden name and if she has/does, the brothers will still call on her, "Sister Husbandslastname."

    The only story I ever heard on this topic was a case where a woman got married and kept her name, the elders of course were in a tizzy, so they called Bethel and asked what to do. They were told to leave her alone and that it was none of their business.

    Just a story, not sure where I heard it or if there is any truth to it.

    No Apologies

  • looking_glass

    Well considering the Biblical story of where there were non Israelites that left Egypt, leads one to believe even in the early days when they claimed to be the chosen ones, god still let people who were not the chosen ones go along for the ride.

    As for the block of soap, it was Lot's wife who turned around to look longingly at the city that was being destroyed and she turned to a pillar of salt. But a block of soap would have probably been better, they would have gotten better use out of her then.

  • greendawn

    Looking Glass regarding your post further back (359) I am not sure if you mean that the Bible is all a myth to me it is not though some mythical elements may have entered over time.

    Otherwise the JWs do base a lot of their ideas on speculation as you said the new system concept, also the 607 date and its significance, the archangel Michael as Jesus, that the early Christians were all preachers etc.

  • Abaddon


    Did myths get inserted into real events, or did real events become mythic?

    I mean, at some point there was a bloke who saved his wife and kids in a flood. It may have been quite a big flood, and inundated their 'world'. But we know through little things like trees alive today older than the Biblical Flood, and big things, like the Great Pyramid at Giza (which was built before the Biblical Flood), that there was never a Biblical Flood, either at the possible points in time, or on the claimed scale.

    I'd say the evidence is that rather than a real record becoming inaccurate though the insertion of myths, a real event was given a mythological slant over the centuries by the culture holding the story. Afterall, why should the Jewish culture be any different from all the other cultures that did the same thing. Most claim to have god involved, either they are all right or none are; those who claim any particular one is right ignore their choice (what ever it might be) is likely just as flawed as those they attack.

    You are right by the way - as was the poster who said something about it being hard to make names up. Why should a patriarchal misogynist bother with a making up a woman's name?

  • heathen

    Yah she was probly getting some of that giant ass on the side while noah was spending all his time building and preparing .

  • looking_glass

    Greendawn - my early post was non-specific, sorry about the confusion. I have not decided whether I believe the writings contained w/i the Bible. Therefore, I am unable to say whether I feel it is a book of myth or a book inspired by god. At this time, I hold no opinion relative to the truthfulness and/or lack of truthfulness of the Bible; and as such, I neither admit nor deny same, but demand strict proof thereof.

    As for JWs, my position is that they speculate on a lot of things that are not written in the Bible. So their stories are mythical, I suppose to suit their purpose.

  • Leolaia

    For someone not really mentioned in the Bible (aside from Genesis 7:13), the Society can write a lot about her and what her "modern-day counterpart" is:

    *** w51 11/15 pp. 683-684 Baptism for Salvation and Fire Baptism ***

    First take Noah’s wife [please ]. She is a woman who has been entirely ignored in previous discussions of this prophetic drama [in the Bible too]. In whom does she find her correspondency today? Obviously in those whom the Scriptures call the "bride" of Christ, the "Lamb’s wife". They are the "body of Christ", his 144,000 faithful anointed followers who make up his spiritual "little flock". -- Rev. 19:7-9; 21:2, 9; John 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 5:21-32. 29 Noah had his wife [marriage as possession] at least a hundred years before the flood, for her son Japheth was the oldest and was born about a hundred years before the flood, since Noah was five hundred years old when he became a father. Shem, her next son, was born ninety-eight years before the flood began. (Gen. 5:32; 7:11; 10:21, AS, margin; 11:10; 9:22-25) How many years of Noah’s six hundred before the flood he had this wife we do not know. He had her well before the end of that ungodly world and possibly long before the birth of his three sons. So Christ’s bride began forming long, long before the end of this wicked world, namely, nineteen centuries ago, at the beginning of this Christian system of things. In this "time of the end" she is represented on earth by the remnant of his anointed little flock.

    Noah’s wife had a most intimate relationship with him as her husband [How do they know how well they got along?]. Just so, the "bride" class, including the remnant today, are baptized into the modern-day Noah, Christ Jesus, in a special way by holy spirit. This means they must be baptized into his death for the vindication of Jehovah God’s kingdom, that they may be finally raised up in the likeness of his resurrection, the first resurrection, to heavenly "glory and honor and incorruptibleness". The apostle Paul asks them: "Do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we were buried with him through our baptism into his death, in order that, just as Christ was raised up from the dead through the glory of the Father, we also should likewise walk in a newness of life. For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall certainly also be united with him in the likeness of his resurrection." (Rom. 6:3-5, NW) Here Jehovah God is the great Baptizer. In ancient time Noah worked for his wife’s salvation [Salvation by works? She could not save herself of her own accord?] by showing his faith in a practical way. She did not forsake him. She followed him into the ark and did not die off but spent some of her years after the flood, though not to bring forth further children to Noah [How do they know about Noah's sex life after the Flood?]. So with the remnant now.

    *** w86 1/1 pp. 14-15 Days Like "the Days of Noah" ***

    "Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah." How well he pictures Jesus Christ, who walked humbly with God here on earth, doing nothing of his own initiative! (Genesis 6:8; Matthew 17:1, 5; John 8:28) Both were preachers of righteousness—a fine example for all witnesses of Jehovah. And we can be sure that Noah’s wife, foreshadowing the remaining anointed ones on earth today, was a model of submissiveness [For someone not described in the Bible, they know a lot about her personality!]. (2 Peter 2:5; Luke 4:14-19; Ephesians 5:21-24)

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