Did you ever get "hit" on by someone of the same sex?

by ButtLight 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight
    No, the two I have in mind look at me quite intently every time I pass them (separately) in a hallway.

    Wink at them the next time!

  • 5thGeneration

    This should be in my Hypocrisy thread.


    One brother reached underneath me when I was snapping him the football in a game once and grabbed and squeezed my balls multiple times!

    Another brother used to pinch my ass all the time. He was Df'd a few years later for homosexuality.

    YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS #$%@ UP!!!

  • skeeter1

    Yes. It happened when I was 18. I politely said no. End of story.

  • CountryGuy

    I never really had to deal with it too much until I lost weight. Now I'm getting hit on by both guys and girls. I tell them all that I am flattered, but I am spoken for. None are as hot as my hubby.


  • IP_SEC

    I got hit on by a lesbian couple monday night. does that count?

  • gaiagirl

    I've was approached by a close friend once, and at the time, it seemed like an interesting idea. The experience was actually quite good, and we've remained friends, and repeated the "experiment" from time to time.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Once on a quick build. A Brother from that area kept staring at me, I just thought that my clothing must have been wrong or he'd heard me cracking a naughty joke. My mate joked that he "fancied me" and we laughed it off but this guy hung around and stared all day long. A few years later I found out that the same bloke had been DF'D for homosexuality.

    More recently I attracted the attention of a gay bloke on here, it was funny to begin with but eventually it became a pain in the arse <snigger>

  • jwfacts

    Constantly. plus statements such as "ditch the bitch and make the switch'

    I was hit on by JWs as well.

  • jwfacts

    Constantly. plus statements such as "ditch the bitch and make the switch'

    I was hit on by JWs as well.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I had a guy buy me several beers at a bar one time. After he wanted to play pool. He kept trying to give me pointers on how to hold the cue and was getting awfully close in the process. About half way through the game he started to hint around that he wanted to leave and was asking me if I had any plans. It was quite obvious that he wanted me to head home with him.

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