Official GB spin on decreases. (serious)

by yesidid 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    The "preaching WORK" is a farce!

    I wonder if they'll ever grow a spine and come out and say what's really on their minds. "The preaching work™ sucks. It was a bad idea. Let's quit it and ( insert favourite activity here ) instead."


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    One possible good scenario that could come from such twisted logic is that maybe the publishers will now just fall in line and 'slow down since the end is so close'.

    Less preaching = less converts to JW = continued lower or zero growth = eventual death to the JW lies.


  • juni
    (2) We are so close to the end that the preaching work IS slowing down!!!

    The theme of the service talk was "Do not Give up!" "

    Something does not make sense here.

    "DO NOT GIVE UP" - which translates into continuing full force in f. service, mtg. attendance, etc.

    But............... "Work is slowing down." = "end is close"


  • KW13

    OMG lol. When they close down and there is "to let" sign at brooklyn i'll be there

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    I thought Jehovah was supposed to speed it up as it reaches the "climax"!! That is what the Watchtower 1985 3/1 Entitled "Jehovah Speeds It Up" par. 21says:

    Let it be our prayer that the Sovereign Lord Jehovah and the head of the Christian congregation, our beloved King Jesus Christ, will continue to "speed it up" as the Kingdom proclamation moves on toward its climax!

  • Scully
    (2) We are so close to the end that the preaching work IS slowing down!!!

    bull puckies. Back in the 70s and 80s, the spin was that the Preaching Work™ had to increase, just like the troops that were circling around Jericho went around the city seven times in one day instead of once as they had done for an entire week before that.

    They have always been so self centered that they will find a scripture to "match" whatever is happening with their statistics, and claim that it is a Fulfillment of Prophecy™!

  • juni
    Back in the 70s and 80s, the spin was that the Preaching Work™ had to increase, just like the troops that were circling around Jericho went around the city seven times in one day instead of once as they had done for an entire week before that

    You're right Sully. I had forgot about that point that they had hammered into us.


  • La Capra
    La Capra

    Why can't they see that something is seriously wrong when they have to have a talk titled, "Don't Give Up"? If it were the spiritual paradise they say it, there would be no temptation or need to give up... Shoshana

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    "the end will come when God's people are at their busiest".

    they should get real busy - since so many are waking up and removing their WT glasses - the working membership left behind are desparate for validation.

    There is so much support available now for those who NEED to leave..... even so many books with titles about spiritual abuse - just the thought that something like this exists can give someone the courage to "re-examine" their situation.

    w power

  • Undecided

    It's kind of funny, I can't remember anything that was said at the assemblies but can remember being there and the fun I had going on the trip. I can remember the girlfriends I met at the assemblies and the volunteer work I did but not a single subject. Well, I do remember one subject given by Ray Franz, sort off, about the men of old spoken of in the bible were with us now. This was in NY back in the late 50s or early 60s.

    I can't remember anything about the Ministry School I went to in NY except the work we did on the farm, flying in an airplane with a brother who flew there from Az. I also remember the night my wife came there at the end of the school and the good sex we had that night.

    Ken P.

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