girl gets whipped to death
by The Lone Ranger 26 Replies latest jw friends
This one must really be somethin'. My computer security blocked access.
Finding myself all of a sudden defending JWs even though I want out.
Your post is stupid. Some pchyco parents doing that have no barring on anything.
"40 lashes", come on. As a father of 2 and a JW for 19 years I can say that is BS propaganda you are promoting.
No normal JW has that reasoning and it's bitterness on your part to post these crazy nuts as the norm in JW land.
I agree with reasonable criticism but come on.
When my father was a new JW, he read the account of Paul receiving 40 lashes, less one. The next time he started beating me with a belt, he said that if Paul could live through it, so could I. My mother stopped him at around 20 or so. I had bruises for 2 months. There are sickos out there....
When this happened, the WTS Official Spokesman, J.R. Brown, was quoted in the Chicago newspaper as saying JWS don't believe in corporal punishment.
Of course, that was a total lie.... whoops, I mean spiritual warfare. On my old quotes web site, I had his quote, next to several WTS articles where they encouraged pretty severe beatings. In one article, they suggested we silly humans could take a lesson from the wonderful Koala bear, who beats on her young relentlessly and without letup, until the young one wails insanely.
That's what bothered me about the Slack beating: the JWs could have said "we beleive in reasonable, non-angry, smacks to the bottom, open hand, through clothes; anything more is unnecessary." Instead, they lie and say "we don't even beleive in any kind of physical punishment". They don't even have the guts to stand up and admit what they really believe, and take the heat if necessary.
~Q -
I didn't mean to be insensitive to those who have endured abuse.
I just thought that someone just plunking that article down and presenting it as a normal way JWs raise children is deceitful because it is simply not true.
There are crazies everywhere.
If you see my critical posts of the Society you would see that I'm going crazy. However, the Society has never promoted beating children. Spanking maybe (which I did when my kids were small and because of it haven't had to in 6 years) but not lashing.
The Lone Ranger
I do believe that the people that did this are unique and extreme, they are not a sample of what the average JW is like. Its just something I found, it shows how psycho some can be. In the name of God some justify anything.
My apologies then.
People like Quotes have a 100% anti-witness stance and try to convince everyone that witness parents all beat their kids.
I find it offensive because I have raised my children with love and reasonableness and none of the kids I grew up with were lashed and beaten and none of my truth friends now BEAT their children.
Fight the battles you can win!
Nearly all the JW's I grew up with had the crap beat out of them. The society encouraged parents to use "the rod". And parents were more than happy to do so.
The tide seem to be turning though. I still attend the KH, and I don't think I've seen a single kid beat at the hall in the 10 years I've been there.
The Watchtower instills the type of thinking that will allow its members to beat their children to death. Of course, there is only a small percentage of JW's that are part of this psycho-demented mindset. Thank God, this kind of behavior raises its ugly head only once in a while . . .Lango and Bryant to name two. However, I wonder how many adults and children out there in JW land have sufferred lashes, bruises, open wounds or broken bones at the hands of a domineering patriarch ? Many I'm sure . . .and we'll never hear about it because it's all kept hush, hush, in the family.