During the assembly did you ever notice ... ???

by The_Replacement 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The_Replacement

    Growing up as a kid in the 70's (and early 80's), did you ever notice at the assembly that there was always someone who had a tape recorder on stage and was taping the whole assembly.

    Are these tapes around today, generally I would love to hear some talks that were given before 1975 and see how many brothers said something big was going to happen, because we all know the Watchtower never said that !!! (Yeah right).

    Any websites that might have a few of these or other interesting topics ???

    Of course JW's will say that it is apostates who made these tapes, yep, we all sound like Nathan Knorr and Freddie Franz, in fact we are so good at making them up, we even included rain and thunder on the tapes and babies crying or whatever background noises would happen.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Unfortunately, I threw all my tapes out, an act I now severly regret. The only one I can remember recording was a talk in the mid-70s called "Serving with Everlastng Life in View"

    But yes, there was a lot of us who made tapes of various sessions. I believe this is discouraged now


  • Nina

    Back in the '70's and '80's it was standard procedure for the brothers in charge to tape each Circuit Assembly at the Assembly Hall in Woodland Hills, California. The tapes were stored at the Assembly Hall. If someone wanted a copy of the tapes all it took was a $10 payment.

    I don't know how long these tapes are/were kept. It might be worth a call to an Assembly Hall to find out whether this was standard practice at all Assembly Halls or peculiar to Woodland Hills (which, btw, was sold a few years ago).


  • TheListener

    The society came out with some direction several years ago that we should be careful sharing tapes of meetings and talks. If we didn't attend and tape it for ourself we may not really know who the speaker.

    With that one article many of the friends stopped sharing their tapes or even taping the talks themselves.

    Some do have huge libraries of tapes that go back decades, though.

  • Rooster

    My father told me about an assembly he went to in the forties. The man/brother on the stage said that they would all take a 15-20 break because the prophits of old were to return that day @ aprox that time. What a joke..

  • kid-A

    They are floating around for sure. I know Randy has posted some great soundclips from the 1975 propaganda talks at www.freeminds.org

  • Finally-Free

    My ex taped many assemblies, and I believe she still has all the tapes - a couple of cases of them. We no longer have any contact though.


  • nsrn

    Oh, yeah, I remember listening to a cassette tape of assembly talks in the car on trips--the old silver panasonic tape recorder in the front seat. Makes my stomach hurt to just think about it. It was awful to hear the first time around...

  • beksbks

    Nina? Was that a circular hall, with the stage in the middle? I believe it was rumored to have been bought from Bob Hope?

  • AudeSapere
    Nina? Was that a circular hall, with the stage in the middle? I believe it was rumored to have been bought from Bob Hope?

    Yup, beks. That is the hall. The circular stage rotated, too.


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