are we in the last hours

by force 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    im only 16 and i am too yung to die.

    No you're not; thousands of 16 year olds die every year. Some die as a result of reckless driving, some die in fights over a girl, some die of alcohol poisoning, some take a handful of drugs and croak, some intentionally kill themselves, the list goes on and on.

    I will promise you this, however: if you take care of yourself and live to be 120 years old, you will NEVER have to fear dying at Armageddon, because Armageddon is a hoax. A lie. A big con-job.

    In just a couple of years you will be faced with bigger problems than Armageddon. Problems like: how will you earn a living? Concentrate more on getting that dreaded worldly education and less on boing a junior bible thumper, and you'll do OK. Alternatively, you could go the thumper route and be a supermarket bag boy for the rest of your life. Then everynight you'll be praying for armageddon too, because you life will suck very strongly.

  • Mary
    my mother and her friend were talking at da weekend and they reckon we are not only in the last days but the last hours. i know most of you dont believe that anymore, but do some of you still get scared by it. i do. im only 16 and i am too yung to die. do all jw believe we are in the last hours? i was also wondering if i get protection becus my ma is jw. i mean noahs kids all got in the boat didnt they? clutching at straws just in case!

    Don't listen to any of that crap they're feeding you..........the WTS is simply trying to get their members to "retain their sense of urgency" by telling them that Armageddon is "imminent". With so many false dates, the majority of Witnesses just don't believe them anymore. And if by some chance Armageddon did come next week, it sure as hell isn't going to be the Witnesses that are saved-----they've got alot to answer for.

  • greendawn

    The way JWs present the end of times is hysterical and harmful, it is distorted. In fact the end will come suddenly and at an unsuspected time and it's totally pointless trying to predict it.

  • lovelylil

    I am back from the dentist.


    I agree with you on the statue in Daniel. That is one thing I think, for the most part, the WT got right.

    As far as the man of lawlessness, he has not been revealed yet so it is just conjecture as far as who it will be. This is not Satan and not merely a political or military man but something different because he will EXALT himself above every God and claim worship for himself. Note what Paul says here:

    2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
    1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for (that day will not come) until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God

    This has not happened yet. The temple I believe refers to God's temple in Jeruselem which would have to be re established prior to this day. That is why many believe the Jews have to all return to their land and take control again and rebuild this temple. Then, this man of lawlessness will set himself up in it and claim to be God. There are many scriptures which I will share at another time showing the Jews WILL rebuild the temple in Jeruselem and rededicate it to Jehovah.

    In 2 Thesslonians 2:5-12 Paul explains some of the signs and miracles that this "Man" will perform to mislead the inhabitants of the earth to worship HIM instead of God. What he is describing is very similiar and possibly the same event mentioned in Revelation chapters 13 and 14, which speak about a beast (remember beast is a symbol) who sets up an image of worship and performs miracles to mislead all the nations into worshipping it. Thos who appose it (Christ's Saints) will be killed.

    I am still in the process of really studying this "man of lawlessness" but if the WT is saying that the time is maybe days away, or a short time, and Paul says this man must be revealed prior, then who are they saying is the man of lawlessness and how to they explain these miracles and most of the earth being decieved? It obviously has not happend and we don't know who it is. I have some opinions on it but don't want to share publicly yet, but as I said, it is just speculation at this time. But clealy, the end is not days away because this prophecy has not been fulfilled yet and this revealing has not taken place.

  • funkyderek
    That book was written in 1987. ... in 1987, you only had CD’s, tapes and records, now you have Ipods, digital radio, digital TV, and someone to come to your door to deliever you CD's you bought of Amazon. If I said to you I have an Internet connection and you look up web sites and so forth, you’d laugh at me then!!! The world is ever changing, but look at how fast things are moving along. And now they reckon about we are going to live like the Jetsons with these flying cars in the sky in the next few decades. I saw it all on 60 Minutes.

    Sorry inquirer, I assumed you were sane. My mistake.

  • lovelylil


    one last thing in reference to your last post, you are right the End will come suddenly. We were not given a day and time only signs to know we are close. The Man of Lawlessness is something that has to happen first but still we will not know the exact time. Christ clearly says we will not know because after all, what type of test of faithfulness is it if we know when our Master will arrive? we are to be faithful in paying attention to his words to know when he is near, but will NOT know the exact time. It is pointless to even speculate we just have to pay attention to what was written in the past to understand the events as they unfold. We will not totally understand everything UNTIL it has already passed.

  • blondie

    Yes, JWs teach we are in the toenails of Daniel's image and the microseconds of the last days.

  • kid-A

    "Fingers crossed that we are. I reckon the world sucks in my opinion."

    So what you are saying is, your life is a piece of shit, therefore you are going to sit back and hope that the entire world will come crashing down in some glorious, world-wide suicide?

    The underlying reason the JWs gloat and pray for their fictional "armageddon" is because their lives are typically so miserable that ANYTHING has to be an improvement over scrubbing

    toilet bowls and waxing floors day in and day out. I am afraid, you have some very deep rooted psychological issues that need to be addressed. Get help.

  • Tea4Two

    It depends on your view point....I see many different views from the church as to when the end will come for this wicked world....Here is just one I came across while doing a search.

  • jstalin

    Judging by the age of the sun, the last days are about 3,000,000,000 years away. I'd say you have nothing to worry about. You're 16. Enjoy your life - don't worry about the rantings of story tellers.

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