by Es 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    thanks delilah and Virgo

    Virgo your right and i have decided it i do go back im going to tell him that not to call me at home anymore, if he wants to tell me off do it on office hours. The only thing with this job is that he allows me to work the days im available which is the days blake is in kinder and with his dad....i dont really have anyone to look after blake unless i put him in kinder and then sometimes its not worth it coz im working to pay for his kinder.

    Plus i find it hard taking on a job knowing that im 3 months pregnant is that stupid???


  • Virgochik

    That's right, Es! If he wants to tell you off, he can at least pay you to listen to it, haha!

    I don't think it's stupid to be reluctant to job hunt while pregnant. It might be stressful to learn a new job with less than full energy and sometimes not feeling well.

    Which is the lesser evil, stay, or learn a new place, I guess. Best of luck! Oh, if only we could all work from home, or just get a check in the mail!

  • Es

    here here


  • anewme

    If he cant bring the hours back up tell him you are going to file for unemployment!
    That will get his attention!

  • joe_black

    Isn't $50 in Australia only worth like 6 pesos? I dunno just wondering.

  • Scully


    OK, just ignore my advice above, I've got a few better ideas:
    1. Hang a notice on your desk that says "I'm out of estrogen and I have a gun"
    2. Find another job close by and on your last day working for this dickhead, shread all the bills coming in. A month down the road, phone the companies that sent the bills (from a public phone booth) and tell them that they better collect quick from your boss, because he's on the verge of declaring bankruptcy.
    3. Phone his wife (once again from a public phone booth) and ask for him (in a really sexy voice). When his wife asks who it is, say "Sheryl" or "Trixie". Act shocked when she identifies herself as his wife. Mumble, "...he never told me he was married!" and hang up. He'll have some 'splanin' to do when he gets home.
    4. Send his name in to Alcohol Anyonomous
    5. Better yet, phone the nearest Kingdom Hall and tell them that your husband is interested in studying.

    LMAO @ Mary!! I always knew there was a reason why I just luv ya!

    Es... add to the list the following:

    1. Call his wife at home, saying that you are calling from the Visa Card Security Centre and just wanted to verify the $500 charge from
    2. Bake some homemade brownies and slip in little chocolate flavoured laxatives (we call them Ex-Lax up here) instead of chocolate chips. Insist that you made them "just for him".... no sharing!!
    3. Sign him up for a gay p*rn subscription, delivered to his house.
    4. Save your baby's poopy diapers for a month (it'll be summer by that time) and then under cover of darkness deposit them in his swimming pool.
  • Es

    hehehe you evil woman scully i love it


  • sass_my_frass

    Aaaaw chica! I'm sorry you're blue. Your boss has always been a suck.

    Time for a foot massage from Mr Es and a long bubble bath!

  • Es

    totally sass...ive decided im not working at all next week, i will get myself too worked up and i dont want to do that to bubs.

    i spent the night with my foot in a bucket of cold water

  • sass_my_frass
    Phone his wife (once again from a public phone booth) and ask for him (in a really sexy voice). When his wife asks who it is, say "Sheryl" or "Trixie". Act shocked when she identifies herself as his wife. Mumble, "...he never told me he was married!" and hang up. He'll have some 'splanin' to do when he gets home.

    I'll be his mystery caller! I have an excellent 0055 voice...


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