Recently, while I attended some technical meetings, I ate in a crowded restaurant. As few seats were available, a complete stranger
asked if the seat next to me was taken. He sat down and I made a joke about the food ( pork) and what religions wouldn't care for
it. This launched into an hour and half discussion about mysticism, out of body experiences and various new age books we both enjoyed.
We were both struck with the strangeness of this chance encounter and all the beliefs we had in common - in the midst of a very rational,
technical setting.
OK, now consider this: suppose I was still an active Witness and met another Witness this way? Would I think that
holy spirit was leading me? That Jehovah had directed me to a fellow believer?
This is synchronicity at work. Is it the psychic ability of two minds reaching out - or just a trick of the mind?
Either way, it's a real phenomena - and Witnesses get deceived by it into thinking that they have the 'true religion'
simply because they occasionally run into someone 'interested in the truth' by accident! What they are calling holy spirit
is simply the observation of synchronicity - something that impressed the famous psychologist Carl Jung, who coined the term.