Ever run out of toilet paper when you needed it the most
Did you ever run out of something that put you in a predicament
by JH 10 Replies latest jw friends
i ran out of the kingdom hall once!
Id rather run out of tp, than gas, cigs, or beer!!!!!!!
running out of tampax is the worst.
however I had no ciggies last nigth which normally is fine as I don;t smoke every day. However I'd had some really upsetting news (which I want to share with you all but need to check first its okay) yesterday, plus I found out half my summer plans have to be cancelled as I got my Operation date for the beginning of summer and I just fancied a drink and a ciggie before dinner. Mr C said he'd pick some up on the way home, although its a filthy habit and gave me the lecture. But he didn;t - the queue at the kiosk was too long and so when he came home i was like really ready for one and there were none and it was horrible because the shop is a mile away and i didn;t get paid until midnight.
Anyway the situation is remedied now.
KW13--good one
Crumpet--I wish I could hear you say that out loud, you sound so British--it's really cute to me, I mean that as a compliment. Some day I want to go to England.
crumpet preens herself in readiness for MBE awarded for her contributions to the British tourist industry! hehe
Thank you!
(I'll make an announcement next time I can go into chat on thomschat and shall get my mike on!)
Richie has heard me - he has a great voice - he deadpans his jokes and has me in hysterics!
Ran out of t.p., gasoline, money and erections from time to time...
i hate my accent...its useless and almost unique!
Let me be the judge of that KW13 - whats your phone number?
hehe! (Jeez I am so smoothe today!)
OMG lol er you can have it if ya pm me for it... here, i recorded a BRIEF file. No modding it, making me sound like anyone or anything else for that matter. www.texnical.net/here.mp3 "Hello, i'm Kw13"