It seems that some on this board are resorting to name calling and trying to bully other people into believing what they do. I know myself, although I have not been disrespectful to anyone and have tried to enter conversations explaining my beliefs only, not to put anyone elses beliefs down, have been called self righteous, condescending, a hypocrite and tiresome today.
I had a similiar problem at another site and chose to leave because it was not encouraging.
Come on everyone, lets listen to reason here. Many of us have been thru a literal hell of the WT organization. And have had our lives in total turmoil because of it. Organizations like that divide people and put other humans down by name calling them as apostates, devil worshipper, worldly and a host of other names. If we have all learned one thing, isn't it how wrong it is to do this? To name call and bully others into a belief system. Or to threaten people with burning in hell or being wiped off the earth for not believing as we do. If anyone believes in a God, what kind of God would he be if this was his message? This is why many people are totally sick of religion and of hearing of God. Because sometimes It causes more harm then good. It is man that has done this. They try to fit everyone and everything into their interpretation of reality. It is not right.
Lets learn a lesson and treat others with respect. I personally believe God has a plan for everyone. Believers and unbelievers but if any have a different belief, that is o.k. too. All human beings have a right to their own belief system. This is a basic right of all. We are all born free to choose our own path. My path may not be right for you and yours for me. But really, who are any of us to judge.
I am so upset right now, I need a break from the board tonight. Please think about it everyone. Do we want to treat others the way the WT treated us? Would we have not appreciated being able to leave the WT with our dignity intact? We ALL have a right to be treated with dignity and respect. How about it?