DocHouse: Finkle- if one gulliblibly accepts an opinion as a fact- the fault is THEIR'S.
DocHouse, Watchtower does not present it's BS as merely their opinion that you can choose to accept or reject. You are choosing to redefine their questionable teachings presented as truth as being merely an opinion so as to justify your continued support for an organization teaching falsehoods. You are essentially mislabeling the Watchtower's false teachings because you are in denial.
And by the same reasoning you used, quoted above, you would also have to blame all the members of all the other false religions for believing the falsehoods their religions teach them and you would have to also excuse the religious leaders for teaching those falsehoods by also mislabeling their falsehoods as being merely opinion.
I'm beginning to notice a trend, Doc. Most if not all of the excuses you use to justify Watchtower and justify your continued support to them, can also be used by members of other false religions to justify those religions and their continued support to them. You are basically making partial distinctions, using arguments to support your position that you would not accept as reasonable or just arguments if they came from a person of another false religion.
Let me leave you with something to think about Doc. Jesus said this at Luke 21:8 (RSV):
And he said, “Take heed that you are not led astray; for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them.
Jesus told his followers that people will tell them the time is at hand - the end is immediately imminent - and warned them not to go after them. This is exactly what Watchtower did for a good chunk of its history, setting dates for the end of the current system of things. C.T. Russel even published a book with many ridiculous, false end time predictions entitled . . . "The Time Is At Hand!" !!! If that isn't a fulfillment of Jesus' words at Luke 21:8 then I don't know what is.
The argument that they were simply interpreting existing bible prophecies and not making up a new original prophecy simply does not wash. Jesus gave no exceptions when he said do no go after those making such predictions. Wouldn't it be utterly stupid for Jesus make give such a warning and not mention that important exception and then later choose men as his FDS who do this very thing, with the result that many sincere people refuse to follow them because of Jesus' own words? How stupid do you think Jesus is? Just imagine that you are a sincere student of the bible alive during the time of C.T. Russel and J.F. Rutherford, and you are familiar with Luke 21:8 and notice that the International Bible students headed by Russel and later Rutherford were doing exactly what Jesus said to be wary of - including writing a book of false predictions the title of which, perfectly matches the false message Jesus said to be wary of! What do you think you should do - join the International Bible students, or not follow after them in obedience to Jesus? Do you honestly think Jesus would have chosen the very kind of people he warned his followers not to go after, to be his FDS? Something has got to be seriously wrong with your thinking or honesty if your answer is yes.
Also, given that the bible does, in fact, predict an end to the system, anyone of those false prophets Jesus warned not to follow could always give the excuse that they're merely interpreting scripture that speak about the end. In fact, given that such false prophets are targeting christians - for the scripture says that they'll come in Jesus' name (claim to be christian and maybe even claim that Jesus appointed them as the FDS in such and such year) - it is to be expected that they would base their predictions on existing bible prophecies that talk about the end, twisting these and other texts to propagate their rubbish. What better way for Satan to attempt to deceive christians than to use false prophets twisting scriptures and claiming their use of scripture excludes them from being considered as false prophets? So this excuse about interpreting existing bible prophecies is really a very weak and desperate tactic that is really nothing more than an irrelevant technical contrivance for the sake of obfuscation and misleading gullible people into trusting the false prophet.
So again, do you really think Jesus now approves of an organization that fulfills the role at Luke 21:8? You're making an idiot out of Jesus - or yourself? Which is it?