Do You Believe in The Supernatural?

by Blueblades 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    You know, now that I think about it...

    Every time I have ever dropped a p-nut butter sandwich, it has always landed jelly side DOWN! Unfortunately, each time it happened I was alone and no one could verify it. Goddammit! You guys are creeping me out!

  • unclebruce
    You know, now that I think about it...

    Every time I have ever dropped a p-nut butter sandwich, it has always landed jelly side DOWN! Unfortunately, each time it happened I was alone and no one could verify it. Goddammit! You guys are creeping me out!

    That's because you always drop it from arround 3' off the ground (proven through double-blind, foolproof Australian peanut butter research).

    As for creep'n you out .. you do believe in demonised apostacats don't ya?


  • FlyingHighNow

    It was a seance we had when I was a child. I'll have to write out the experience and either post it or PM it to you. I think I posted this early in my JWD career. We requested the "ghost" to move something and it did so three times, to make a long story short.

  • AuldSoul

    Good point, stillajwexelder!


    So what you do is, you get you some energy and compress it by the speed of light squared and you have yourself some matter! 'Course it might take more than a five-gallon bucket full of energy to get enough matter to see...and compressing it that much should be done with great care...but it should work. If you blow off your eyelids or worse, try to come back from the other side and warn us not to pursue that experiment, okay?


  • stillajwexelder

    I was not talking about solid mass - an apparition might only be a grma or two at most. Also do not forget neutrinos are virtually zero mass and high energy

  • stillajwexelder

    e=mc^2 so 1 kg mass in theory releases 1 * (3*10^8)^2 kgm^2*s^-2 = 10^17 joules - if this is done in 1 second that is 10^17 watts - that is a lot of power. So by the reverse calculation -yes it takes a boatlod of energy to produce very little mass

  • merfi

    I'm in the "I don't know" camp.

    I've heard and read other people's experiences, but have never had anything 'weird' happen to me that I would classify as 'supernatural'. By what definition of "supernatural" I still don't know either. There are several, I think.

    My brother is freaked by movies such as The Grudge, White Noise, The Ring etc. I find them mildly amusing and not at all frightening. (ok, I did jump a couple times in Grudge, but at surprise, not fear. ok then...) The difference between my bro and I is that HE has had an experience with a Ouija board (he's not a jw, btw) that he defines as supernatural and something that definitely scared the crap out of him -- enough that he BELIEVES in the supernatural, therefore those types of movies are 'real', in a sense, to him. As are TV shows about the occult and spirits, documentaries about 'ghosts', books about things haunted and so on.

    I'm a natural skeptic, made even worse by my recent escape from the bOrg, and believe that there is a rational, logical explanation for EVERYthing, even if at the time I have no idea what that explanation may be. ie: 'near death' experiences -- I figure they're just the brain chemistry going whacko and firing off some strange signals... signals that are manifested in visions of whatever the person has been taught, or believes, is 'what happens' at death. But that's just my 2c.

    I find this thread very interesting as I've been pondering it myself...


  • LittleToe

    Well blow me down with a feather duster; I agree with UncleBrucy!!! LOL

    Terry:What is more important; the actuality of reality, or your subjective realisation of it?

  • trevor

    All that is must be included in nature. Supernatural refers to that which is beyond our understanding but believed, by some, to potentially exist.

    Two hundred years ago this would have applied to Microwaves, electricity, infa-red, nuclear energy, x-rays and so on…At this time most people believed in a god of some kind. Now we accept these phenomena as natural energies and part of everyday life but less people believe in a god now!

    There is no such thing as supernatural, just nature and our efforts to comprehend and understand.

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    Our neighbor lady hated JWs and was a witch. She was very angry that her pronouncements of our deaths never came true but she did put curses on us. She would babble when putting curses on us but she would then say "NOW you will suffer." She put a curse on me one day when I was around 10 because I went in her yard to retrieve my brother's ball. That night, while I was sleeping in my bed I woke up feeling something moving at my feet. It was a large snake and it continued up to my chest. I felt a very heavy pressure on my chest and I had difficulty breathing. I tried to yell but couldn't get enough breath. I started to whisper "Jehovah" and it backed up a bit and I could breath better. I screamed then. Dad came and said a prayer with me. She put curses on my brother repeatedly and he'd have a blue dog try to kill him that night. He was always in trouble. Couldn't seem to stop himself. I believe the supernatural exists. To what extent, I don't know and I won't assume either.

    Also, there are so many people I know that have had experiences at the time a loved one dies or shortly thereafter, myself included. Where does this come from? I don't know if it is "real" or just brought on by the loss. I would like to think that, especially in the case of knowing exactly when the loved one died, there is something to it.

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