Being a witness leads you to believe that if you are less than perfect then you are detached from god's love and are unworthy. It's a very black and white thing - either you are getting through Armagheddon and keep to all of the rules, or you are not keeping to all of the rules and are going to die. Personally I think that is one of the JW faith's greatest strengths and also it's greatest weakness - a strength in that it leaves adherents unable to question their beliefs lest they anger god enough to condemn them, and a weakness in that as soon as you discard one stone in the wall then you are forced to reject the whole structure as you feel damned anyway.
I spent many years after my disfellowshipping deconstructing and rejecting all that I was taught as a JW, in fact I rejected my whole belief structure without having anything to replace it; for a long time I had nothing to believe in anymore and felt lost. The only thing I had left was a deep sense of guilt about anything I did which was less than perfect and this greatly affected my self worth. At certain times in my life this has been more of an issue than others and has led to me doing things that have been quite self destructive through feeling that I cannot achieve forgiveness for small indisgretions so why control any indisgretions? It also left me in limbo - I couldn't believe in god because if I did then I had to believe that I was damned to die at Armagheddon.
Something happened recently that left me feeling very low, with a sickened knot in my stomach for days and a racking bout of self loathing. Whilst in a used book store I came across a title by a liberal rabbi which has opened a door into my soul which has helped me start to rebuild a belief in god free from the self conscious guilt that comes from the apocolyptic teachings of the JW's. The book is "How Good Do We Have To Be" by Harold S Kushner and it basically rubbishes any apocolyptic guilt trip religious teaching by pointing out that if god were as great as he is made out to be then would he really be as petty to damn you for a few minor glitches. I haven't been on here for a long time as I wanted to stop feeling like a victim of the cult and I feel that continually dwelling on the flaws of the JW's can hold you back from getting on with your life, but I wanted to share this to help anyone feeling the same guilt issues that I have been having a hard time with.