Why are JW's always together no matter what they do?

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Our congregation has the meetings on Sunday mornings. (10 to 12)

    And I noticed that many Sunday afternoons, many young and not so young JW's play socker at a park nearby.

    Now, I'm sure a few of them will be invited for dinner right after that.

    I was totally different from them. Once the meeting finished, I didn't want to see a Witness until the next meeting. 2 minutes after the meeting I was in my car, driving home. The moment I got home, It took 2 minutes to take off my suit and shirt and put on my jeans and t-shirt and running shoes.

    I just don't understand why JW's love being together all the time, when there are so many other things to do with other people.

  • looking_glass

    Ahh, but JH, you are not thinking with the "christian" mind. Why would you want to socialize with anyone other then you brother or sister. Should you socialize with a "worldly" person they may try to sway your thinking, try to get you to do drugs, try to get you into witchcraft, or have sex with them.

  • cyd0099

    They are more conditioned than you ever were.
    The dubs view every non-dub not as a potential friend, but as an evil creature needing saving,so the only way they can enjoy any companionship is with other dubs-even if they don't particularly like the other JW. I've seen 'friendships' in the bOrg based only on the commonality of belief. It's not pretty what with all the sniping and gossip. But they have nothing else...

    And it creates an insular community with an us-vs.-them mindset. It's easier to dehumanise us than view us as fully realized people snuffed out by thier petulant god.

  • cyd0099


    a "worldly" person they may try to sway your thinking, try to get you to do drugs, try to get you into witchcraft, or have sex with them.

    None of my wordly high school friends tried to sway my thinking or get me into witchcraft ;)

  • JH

    Well, I was not a dub for the first 27 years of my life, so when I became a JW, it was for 5 hours a week and maybe 2 hours additional for the field service. The rest of the time was mine, and I didn't sin like they think I'd automatically sin, but I was free and happy in both worlds at least at first.

  • cyd0099

    If you were free and happy, then you needed some shepherding™ and loving™ correction™ to your thinking.

  • looking_glass

    Cyd - I know it is amazing isn't that "worldly" people are not all programed to try and turn JWs away from their beliefs. That is what is so funny. If only JWs understood that most people don't care what others think. It is the fundamentalist (mental being the key part of that word) religions that have no shades of gray but all black and white beliefs. Otherwise, the vast majority of people live by the "live and let live" mentality. But again, it might have something to do with the fact that when someone is a JW they are expected to be a JW 100% of the time, which includes your down time, when you are sleeping, when you are using the toliet, etc.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I used to spend just about all my time with other jws, apart from work and visits to my parents, who never became witnesses. I didn't have any friends outside the org. apart from dedpoet, who stayed a friend after he left, and I never really thought about doing anything else. It's the brainwashing that causes it, I suppose. We were always being told not to cultivate friendships outside the org to avoid being damaged spiritually, and being a good little dub I obeyed the order.

  • cyd0099


    I know what you mean, I get nervous when I spill the beans about where I've come from and how it has shaped the person I am today. It takes a while for me to build up the nerve to admit to my dub past but when i do it is usually greeted with what could be termed mild indifference.

  • JH

    I didn't have many friends inside or outside of the JW's, but I didn't want to be with them too much. I wanted to be free to go anywhere anytime, with my conscience guiding me.

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