Just got a text msg off an old JW friend

by Es 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass


    Wait until you get it back, then invite them over for your christmas bbq.

  • orangefatcat

    that was a cool response from hubby, Es...

    you know it reminds me of the time my third sister gave birth to her first born. There are three years between my son and hers, so she begged me to let her use Richards new borns clothes, so like a chump I let her borrow them, and I told her that in a few months I want them back as soon as your son has grown out of them. I gave her LOANED..Richards, brand new sleepers and they were beautiful ones, I had recieved beautiful things from my son as he was born with mennigitis and so when he came home from the hospital they sisters gave me a shower and the things they got him were by no means cheap stuff.

    So after listening to her blab on how no one gave her anything and she needed stuff for her son big sister caved in and gave and I never stopped, every few months, Terry do u have anything for my boy to wear and everytime I fell for her sad stories and gave in. Well enough was enough and I told her in no uncertain terms I wanted my sons clothes returned in case I have another son or not it does not matter as those items were special to me. I pleaed begged for years for her to return all the nice clothes, shoes, boots and bunting bags back but to no avail. She had a second child and still she never gave me anything back.

    She was a user. My sister wouldn't get off her fat ass to do anything for her family. It was always Terry can we come and visit for a week or two hubby is out of work and we have no food in the house, yada yada yada and everytime I said yes because I didn't want the kids to suffer and not have proper food. She would call me at the end of every month and beg to come and stay with us as she had no close friends in the org. and she had no food and she knew that on the end of each month I did all my bulk buying. I would buy cases of baby food and juice and all kinds of goodies. And then she started asking me to pay her way down to Montreal from Quebec city cause they didn't have enough money to stay up in Quebec where it was cold and her apt was cold. and I did this for years until one time I was so fed up I told her no more. I was through supporting her family when it was her responsibilty to get help from her own cong. and to tell her husband to get off of his ass and get a job.

    You know what pisses me off more than anything else, it wasn't the fact that I helped her, but it was the fact that she never thanked me for all the years i helped her out and no once did she ever offer me anything when I needed help. that was the straw that broke the camels back.

    Oh shit I could go on and on her and didn't mean to take away from your post, but if your friend still has the baby things don't expect them back unless you go and get it from her yourself. That is what I should have done.

    Years later my mom told me she sold all the clothes I had given her over the years inclucing a beautiful fur coat as she had no coat one year. I asked her way I never saw her with it on and she ignored me everytime. I must have demanded and answer 10 times from her and still she didn't say a word and them mom told me she sold it right after I gave it to her. Now is n't that graditude.?? Oh I was so mad.. I could have spit...

    Now then that I have vented, I feel better,

    love you Es,

    Orangefatcat... still clawing my way out of a bag!!!or is that kitty litter.??

  • jwfacts

    LOL love the birthday party idea.

  • Es

    heheh good idea sass,

    wow OFC thats terrible sometimes family is even worse. God i feel bad if i borrow things and dont give them back, i mean i hardly borrow at all but when i do i make sure they get it back, thats whats annoying is that its my thing she has got, it was actually a present, and when i ask to get it back i get witnessed too.


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