A "Friend" Writes

by geevee 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • PoppyR

    Isn't the lack of love so evident when you drift away? I attended a family gathering at the weekend where all but 1 were JWs, all used to be close to me and ALL knew that I am now not attending. And also since seeing them last I have found myself a single parent.

    Only ONE person said anything to me about it. I'm not bitter, but when I mused on it, I realised they just all wanted to carry on with their happy little worlds and not have a blot in it, like someone who does not believe any more!

    I find it very hard to bite my tongue when people DO say something and would have found it hard not to reply to that email, but my self preservation gene is high! And I want to continue this sucessful fade. But hats off to you for trying!

    Poppy xx

  • greendawn

    The crux of the matter is that the GB of the JWs is religious but not spiritual as you noted. Their fundamental attitude towards the R&F is a sterile legalistic one they impose rules but do absolutely nothing as an org to help them apply those rules. They are forever repeating rules you must do this or that so as to escape satan's machinations.

    Let's hope the thinking stoppers of the WTS will not work and these people will examine extensively what you gave them. All JWs that do so either leave or lose their enthusiasm for the org and the GB know that only too well. Hence their fierce opposition to what they call "independant thinking".

  • jwfacts

    What a powerful letter. You could possibly get away with what you said in it, except that part about the Pharisees. But like you say, the worst that can happen is that you will be free, and that is a fantastic feeling. Better though would be if the person listens to what you say, that would really be something.

  • love2Bworldly

    Great letter, hope your friend looks at the links.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Excellent letter geevee, let's hope it makes your friend think.

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