Well with the exception of posting on this board hanging with you cool apostates. I registered to vote and went gambling. Never ever would I have done this a few months ago. I know it does not sound major but this is a big step for me. I have always been interested in politics but never allowed myself to explore that interest until now. And the gambling well I won't be doing that again anytime soon. What a waste of money.
I've committed my first real df'ing offense
by LeftBehind 14 Replies latest jw friends
And the gambling well I won't be doing that again anytime soon. What a waste of money.
LOL....I play the weekly lotto...just a few dollars though!
Darth Yhwh
Well the acts themselves are not disfellowshipable offences. It's the lack of repentance that's important when considering disfellowshiping. Are you repentant? It sounds like you are as far as the $$$$$ is concerned. LOL
My DF'ing offence was asking questions!
"And the gambling well I won't be doing that again anytime soon. What a waste of money."
You're lucky you didn't win big the first time out because those who do, I have heard, have a high liklihood of becoming addicted to gambling.
Woo-hoo! Sucks about the wasted money, but hey...you are stretching your newfound legs, and they've been cramped up for a long time.
Horny ex-JW here. Mine was for sex. Then all the other stuff! Then more sex. then....
I could have been dfd for talking to a friend who had da'd. They threatened me with a jc, so I saved them the trouble and da'd.
glad to hear you are enjoying life LeftBehind, sorry you lost money though.
24 black on the roulette wheel for me
Hey congratulations!!! The voting I mean. And for the massive strides you're taking in getting your life going. I hope that the pain is easing for you.
Lotto is a tax on the dumb.