My oldest son (6 yrs) was started singing a Christmas song at the dinner table the other day. I jokingly said that there would be no more singing Christmas songs, celebrating holidays or birthdays any more. When he asked why and I told him that I wasnt allowed to do those things as a child being raised as a Jehovah's Witness. He was pretty shocked to say the least. I then went on to tell him that his grandmother is still a Jehovah's Witness and that's why she doesnt celebrate holidays or come to his birthday party. I dont think that he ever realized that she never came before but he's getting to the age where it's important to him now. He started crying and said that he wanted his grandmother to come to his party. After consoling him for some time he stopped sobbing and said "I wish Jehovah would go away!" My wife and I started laughing. Too funny.
The end of The Watchtower!
by Darth Yhwh 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Man, that's so sad...what a traumatizing experience for your son! This is why I don't agree with most of JW's beliefs at all. Most of them rob a child of childhood experiences many of us (non-JWs) take for granted. It's like, I never knew there were people out there who didn't celebrate birthdays/christmas, etc. When I found out, I was crushed. To me, celebrations are so much can they not do that?
I have to get ready for those questions to arise once my daughter reaches that age. She will not see any of her paternal family members at her birthday parties nor will they give her presents on Christmas, since they are all JWs. We plan on celebrating her birthday & Christmas in NYC with my family each year. I know one day she'll ask those questions and feel just as horrible as your son. I understand when your son says he dislikes Jehovah...who can blame him? Poor kid.
drew sagan
An interesting point I just thought about
Remember how "back in the day" the dubs publications used to be these REALLY thick books that got deep in to the reasons why they are so correct? People where taught all kinds of blub in order to be converted to JWism. Their magazines where much more in depth (of course not meaning they where right, they where simply written in a way that was more involved.
The point is this. The weaker the argumnets JWs make in their publications (need I say "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" or any recent Watchtower magazine written on a 3rd grade level), the weaker their strenghts are in their ministry as well as the weaker the grasp will be on the membership.
In order to appeal to more developed nations, which is pretty much the only place the watchtower is growing, it has changed the structure of it's literature. In my opinion this makes weaker dubs, people whose faith in the society rests upon info in short cheap books. This might just start to have an effect on them.