Today in Denver--immigrant protests

by Brigid 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    That's fascinating. Here in Oz we worry about American ideology taking over our national identity!

  • AuldSoul

    A newscaster on the Today show just said, "...these immigrants, who critics call 'illegals'..."

    What should I call these "immigrants" who did not obey our laws, who are residing within our borders on false pretense, and who are often acquiring jobs by use of stolen identities? It seems the Law is critical of their behavior. It seems behavior that is contrary to law (in English) is "illegal" behavior. A brief trip to the dictionary will reveal that the English language and US Law conspire to call these "immigrants" ... "illegals."

    Further, illegal immigrants have no right to publicly protest or redress grievances against any governement other than their own respective governments. These rallies are a public flaunting of the freedoms we have extended to these illegal residents in our country.

    Would anyone here truly recommend that we dispense with immigration laws? Would anyone here honestly recommend that we allow anyone who wants to come into this country to do so without any means of tracking their movement and activities? It is tougher for US citizens to leave this country than it is for foreigners to enter it. Something is wrong with that equation.


  • Jourles
    So, you do know Denver! Now, how can you be glad you don't live here anymore??? What place could possibly be so alluring (unless it's Texas) that it could draw you away from the Rocky Mountains?

    Heh heh, the truth is, I have experience in Texas too. Another place I'm not very fond of(sorry tx folks!) I lived in three different spots in CO. The Springs/Monument, Summit Co(breck), and Denver(lone tree). All three spots are growing waaay too fast. Don't get me wrong - living on the western slope was awesome, but the massive influx of people that go up there is getting out of hand. Not to mention Denver and it's extremely fast growth. Plus, I just found that the overall attitude of people that lived there was too haughty for me.(i've got a story about that too)

    I think most people would be surprised at the amount of illegals that are in CO. In the Silverthorne congo around the mid-90's, we had one Mexican family(Mom, two daughters and a son - all illegal). By '97-'98, the hall was full. More than half the congo was Mexican. They wanted to split the congo but the problem was that most of the Mexican bros were illegal so they wouldn't appoint them as elders. A little bit after we left, they finally split it. Now the Spanish congo outnumbers the English.

    And surprise surprise, most of the Mexican bros and sisters worked at Keystone in housekeeping.

  • acadian
    They're not immigrants. They're invaders

    Yeah... and I bet the locals said the same thing when our fore father's got off the boats at Plymouth way back when. And look at the way we treated them after we got here, so we better get those immigrants, before they do to us like we did to them. That comment goes to show the typical attitude of the uninformed/uneducated. I guess we can blame our State school systems for that. Wake up it's not the immigrants who are causeing the problems in this country it's the Politicians and their Public Policies Acadian

  • blondie

    News reports who that only 1,000 showed up in Madison, Wisconsin, juni, not 25,000.


  • AuldSoul

    There is no doubt about it, acadian. The founders of this country were invaders. The plains buffalo were roaming peacefully and undisturbed when these nomadic peoples came over the Bering Strait.

    Must have been quite a shock for the caribou and buffalo to feel those arrows pierce their hides. But the first people to claim these lands as their possession (as something owned) were the Europeans.

    You are right that the Europeans invaded this nation. Why? One reason only. The Native Americans did not successfully recognize the threat and did not prevent the eventual outcome when they could have done so. The "uncivilized savages" survived many winters comfortably, while the Europeans could have simply been allowed to starve and freeze to death, pushed easily back out to sea, or slaughtered where they stood. But the Native Americans took pity on them and taught them their technologies and introduced a hardy grain into their diet that could sustain them through the long winters.

    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And often doomed by repeating it.


  • juni

    Beat me to it Blondie. I was just going to post that fact.


  • blondie

    Actually, juni, another news source said between 3 and 5 thousand....


  • juni


    Really? My daughter told me 1000. She watches Channel 7 news w/Big Bob the weatherman. Maybe they'll get their #s straight. She used to work for the State across from the Capitol so was able to keep track of the demonstrations.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Why do people fall for this? These people are asking for rights when they aren't even CITIZENS of our own country. They are here illegally. people that are here are illegally HAVE NO RIGHTS, they are here, taking up our tax money, and they have the NERVE to boycott and protest and MARCH when they aren't even legal citizens. They *have* no rights. They dont' pay taxes, they suck the money from the system to pay for their children to go to our schools, get free medical attention from our TAXPAYER hospitals, get licenses, etc.

    My Father was an immigrant in the 50's. He applied to immigration and customs in the LEGAL way. He learned how to speak ENGLISH, and PLEDGED his life to America. He served in Korea. He was discharged honorably as an American citizen. He has been a productive citizen of America his whole life. He learned to speak English as soon as he got here. He knew that would servie him in the best stead. He was proud to become an American.

    This is America. I think it's time that we ask all the immigrants that are already here to be AMERICANS. We don't care where you come from. We don't care what language you speak, but you have to learn English as it's the language we've been speaking for 200 years, and we're not going to change it now. Speak English or get out.

    The three things that the immigration group should ask for is: 1) speak English; 2) have a job; 3) pay taxes.

    Get that done and we are on the go!

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