I was born 1957 3rd gen JW to hardcore family we could not watch the old black+white twilight zone because Rod Sterling was throughly demonized and the old outer limits was straight from the demons.
Is David Blaine Possessed?
by lonelysheep 24 Replies latest jw friends
Why Georgia asks:
How does he do that levitating thing? I'd like to learn how to do that so when my son is misbehaving, I can get his attention!
I said:
The one that I thought got the most response is his little levitation trick. That one is so easy to perform.You will note that in every case, he stands at a certain angle from the person and the camera and that his pants are rather baggy. He simply pushes up with the toes of the foot farthest from the observer. They can't see this from their perspective, so that it looks like he levitates.
Note that he only levitates about four or five inches at most, and very briefly. The problem you may have with performing this for children, however, is that they are shorter and may be able to see under your outermost foot, that the toes of your other foot are still touching the ground. -
My nephew (who is a diving instructor and does free diving as a hobby) helped David Blaine train for the aquarium trick.
James Brown
What he performs is often misnamed as "magic" when really it is nothing more than illusion.
I watched a show the other day with him walking around performing street illusions. The one that I thought got the most response is his little levitation trick. That one is so easy to perform.You will note that in every case, he stands at a certain angle from the person and the camera and that his pants are rather baggy. He simply pushes up with the toes of the foot farthest from the observer. They can't see this from their perspective, so that it looks like he levitates.
It's all sleight of hand and illusion
The video of him doing street illusioins here he is going much higher than pushing up on one foot would allow
He is doing something else, He might be editing the film. But the film shows him going higher than rising on the toe of one foot.