Well our fade seemed to be going along pretty smoothly even with the slight hitch of having to attend the memorial . Then this weekend good old mother in law who lives a thousand miles away , and talks to us once every few months , CALLED, on speaker phone no less . I know she has informats here and she has been dropping hints for months that she knows something is up , but she never comes out and just asks . She wanted to know how everyone at the hall is doing Blah, blah , blah which I usually am good at engineering generic answers to....but then she wanted details about her old friend when I couldn't think of any thing I finally just told her I don't know because I'm not going to meetings anymore . YIKES the gasp she let out . CRAP I'm in for some trouble now . She drilled me over WHY and is it because of some elder's treatment . I didn't commit to any thing specific , she asked if I had disassociated myself...I said nothing has been written in stone it is a private matter that I 'm going through and I appreciate no meddeling....yeah right .She wanted to now how my adult children feel about it and I told her I haven't discussed it with them either and again I did not want her to meddle.She asked about the rest of the family and I said they can make their own choices as of right now they don't attend anymore either. Now I'm sick waiting to see what kind of fall out I will see from this . You don't know how truly involved she can make herself for "your own good ". My father in law is an elder pioneer , brother in law same . She will not rest until she rescues us I just know it . Crap............crap..............crap
How my mind has become more troubled .....
by troubled mind 17 Replies latest jw friends
Well I feel for you. But I guess you can only take it for so long--the putting up a front that is. I've never been very good at pretending. Hope all works out ok for you.
Yikes! Sorry about that, troubled. Its so hard to think up convincing deflections after a while. I hope this doesn't explode too badly.
Troubled Mind
It's time to put your boxing gloves on matey! They seem to have some kind of 'hold' on you. Don't make any more excuses TM. Be strong and if they need or deserve it...hit 'em where it hurts and speak the truth! It's your life TM, NOT THEIRS. Hope it works out.
You are an adult and have adult children....they have made their choices. Yet... You would still allow this woman to rattle you like this?
Here's something you said earlier:
I will no longer feel guilty about following my own conscience...... .....period. GET OVER IT; you owe her absolutely NO explanation, no discussion on anything. Stay strong! Shalom, AuntieJane
sending you positive thoughts
I hope everything improves for you
Good luck (feels good to say that) and take comfort in the fact that being able to openly state your feelings is a freedom that you can now have and one they will never have as long as they continue in the "truth". Prepare yourself for their shunning though. It is difficult, but after awhile you realize it is their loss. I love my parents, but I can only take so much of their preaching anyhow, so not being able to discuss religious things has actually been a blessing. Also, you never know what that maybe your actions will help another one or more out of that religion.
Why Georgia
This is the only advice I can offer...
You need to get caller ID and if you already have it....You need to use it.
Maybe take some time to see if you are really ready to deal with a full blown shunning. It's hard, especially when its your own flesh and blood.
Only you know what you want to do.
Best Regards,
Just do what politicians do deny, side step, change the subject, stonewall, be indecisive, say I'm thinking about things . As the years go by they kind of just give up (mostly).
I have faded about 8 years now, I think one thing that helped me is not going to the memorial or assembly or any thing that makes them think they can help you. out of sight out of mind.
I like to say to "worldly people" I'm a non practicing JW.
Have you ever seen that TV show, "Everybody Loves Raymond"? Your Mo-N-law sounds just like Marie Barrone. I feel for you dear. Better get your ammo ready and prepare for action. Life isn't for sissies!!