Just a suggestion for all posters

by Gregor 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    I have no ax to grind, so to speak, but it would be nice to remember to click on an ad here once in awhile. You don't have to buy anything.

  • Tea4Two

    I see one ad and it says "Should Gays Marry" I didn't click on it....

    Have you noticed how an ad will pop-up with the theme of the post?

  • looking_glass

    You know there have been pop ups here that I have been interested in and I have gone there, but my computer freezes up. So I have a tendency to avoid those things.

  • EAGLE-1

    Your right

    I did it.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  • Swan

    I don't get why the Internet is so different from any other advertising medium. If you see an ad at a baseball stadium, on TV, in a newspaper, or in a magazine, it is just there. But on the Internet you have to click on it. It's the only place that I know of where ads are not just passive, but rather, an activity that you have to interact with.


  • mrsjones5

    I click on the ads whenever I see one the interest me...just last week I clicked on one that featured pattern slopers.


  • luna2

    Thanks for the reminder, Gregor. Just checked out a couple.

    Mrsj, what are pattern slopers?

  • mrsjones5

    A sloper is a basic pattern (front and back top and sleeve, front and back skirt, front and back pant) from which other patterns are designed usually in whatever sample size a clothing company is using as it's base size. For Missy sizes that would be a size 6 or 8, Women's - a size 14 (I personally think it should be a 18), Juniors maybe a size 5 or 7.


  • MsMcDucket
    I click on the ads whenever I see one the interest me...

    Same here. Everyone should think of an interesting word or name and insert it into their post to see what pops up!

    Ok, I'll put in the name Brad Pitt!

    (He's a hunka hunka burning love!)

  • MsMcDucket

    Gregor, Brad Pitt didn't pop up.

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