Hey all,
Most of you know the story, havnt spoken to my folks for nearly 8 months after another argument as to why they could not been seen in public with my fiance (now hubby) and i as it would be seen agreeing with my decision to marry a "worldly" man.
I kind of got the hint it was for good when i didnt get an invite to the memorial, even if we are not talking at the time my dad always sends a written invite.
My nan has been really sick so she has been staying at my mums so i decided to text my mum yesterday to see how she is going. Bout 6:30 my mob rings and its my mum i was shocked but also excited to hear her voice....but instead it was my nan. So i got to catch up with my nan and say hi, anyway she said i will just pass the phone on to your mum so i stayed on the line....so my mum has the phone and just hangs up doesnt say hi or anything.
I was shocked, they havnt spoken to there grandson for 8 months nor me.
So i guess this is it.....