I am excited ,I just entered my first......

by troubled mind 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    Good luck with the contest, TM! Whether you win or not, it's very exciting that you entered.

  • serendipity

    Good for you, troubled mind! Let us know how you do.

  • Undecided

    That is fun to do. I was into that years ago when I was a Dub, developed and printed my own pictures in black and white. My equipment is still in the actic somewhere. I took pictures at weddings in churches back then for my worldly friends at work. I was the PO back then too.

    Hope you do well in the contest and keep enjoying your hobby.

    Ken P.

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    The best luck to you!!

  • rebel8

    online art exhibit to benefit xjw charities: http://jwinfo.8m.com/news.htm

  • poodlehead

    Im so happy for you. I hope you put them on the web so we can all see them. I have done a lot of different type of art over the years and entered a few contest. I miss having the time to do it now and my eyes are getting worse. That really bothers me. I was lucky enough to have my art work featured at a few gallerys. Someday I hope to do it again.

    But stay with it. It is such a blessing to have a creative outlet.

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