We all get older every day, that's not my question, but at what age did you notice that you weren't able to do as much as when you were younger, or at what age did you start to see a different person in the mirror..and it didn't please you.
At what age did you start to notice that you were getting/looking "Old"?
by JH 26 Replies latest jw friends
I'll let you know when it happens
Well, I can do just as much physically as when I was younger, but I huff and puff more...Maybe I'm out of shape a little.
And just gaining 10 lbs over the years, makes a face look different too.
I have a few grey hairs, which don't please me, but I don't look really old yet, and I hope to postpone the day I start indefinitely, if possible.
I'm the type of person to do something about anything that bothers me.
I'll do more sports, move around and burn the calories and put myself back in shape in order to look younger. That's important for me. I just don't want to look old before I'm 70
When 18 year olds looked like children when I was about 35.I noticed a high school game and was trying to figure out why the little people were using the field.They were high schoolers not middle schoolers.
Started noticing gray hairs when I was 19. No surprise, it runs in the family. They started calling me the Silver Fox (among other things) by the time I was 50.
Might be interesting to replace "getting/looking" with "feeling/acting"
Not yet... People tell me I look like I'm 16 somedays ( depending upon what I'm wearing, my makeup and hair style) I'm really 23!
I hope I keep tricking people for a long time! It's funny, when I WAS 16, I wanted to look like I was older, and now that I'm older, I want to look younger! HA!
I guess in some ways it's nice to look younger, but at work I've noticed I get less respect because of it. People don't think I know what I'm talking about....
People don't think I know what I'm talking about....
You shouldn't have blonde hair !!!