Deluded, Misguided and Uninformed

by Lady Lee 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee
  • MissBehave

    Recently on Martha Stewart there were two actors (one that did impressions of famous people) and the other one told him to do his impression of his father when Jehovah's Witnesses were at his door. Martha promptly stopped him (probably because she was trying to be politcally) and she said "I know several Jehovah's Witnesses and they are lovely people".

    I really wanted to see that impression. Damn you Martha!

  • love2Bworldly

    A girl I went to high school with said that all the JWs she knew were messed up and dysfunctional.

  • fullofdoubtnow
  • What have you been told by non-JWs when they talk about the JWs.?
  • I have asked a few people what they think of jws since I left, and some of the replies aren't really printable, but the general consensus of opinion is that most of them are fanatics, bent on trying to push their brand of religion down peoples throats. Some say they are mystified by some of the doctrines, such as the blood rule and non - celebration of birthdays and Christmas. I personally haven't heard anyone say that they see them as fine, upstanding honest people who they would totally trust. I used to think that's how most people saw us when I was in. It was more than a little surprosing to find out how they really feel.

  • jgnat

    I've fielded questions from more than one bewildered employer who tried to accommodate their JW employee during the Christmas season. The employer sincerely wanted to help the employee feel included without offending their religious sensibilities. After all, these days we could have people of various faiths and beliefs at Christmas time. If we have a Muslim, for instance, we can change celebration to a winter party, remove the alcohol and pork. If we have an employee with a dietary restriction, we can have "sides" they can enjoy.

    Some JW's we have been able to accommodate quite well, but the fanatical ones.... They are looking for persecution. It seems no matter WHAT kind of occasion we try and organize, they will find a reason to boycott it.

  • serendipity

    I've had people over the years compliment me on my 'Christian behavior' and 'good morals.' whatever that means. I stopped self-righteously crowing about all the things I don't do, many years ago. I still try to live my life according to this scripture:

    (1 Corinthians 10:31) 31

    Therefore, whether YOU are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory.
  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    The lady who manages the Sunoco Gas Station down the street from me hates the JW's.

    She said they steal all international flavored coffee creamers and sugar, sweetner and napkins.

    She also said she doesn't appreciate them leaving magazines in the bathroom and peeing all over the seats (in the ladies room).

    My oldest goes to a Christian school and only the director and my sons teachers know that my husbands family are JW's. My son has talked about it how it hurts his feelings that Grammy does things with his other cousins but not him. I don't think the JW's are too high on their list.

    These are just off the top of my head.

    Best Regards,


  • kid-A

    Considering that they all believe that they have this wonderful warm and fuzzy public persona, you would think they would wonder why EVERY year

    the watchtower corporation needs to lecture them on how to behave like civilized human beings when they attend the district conventions, stay at hotels and eat out

    at public restaurants?

  • Poztate
    Some JW's we have been able to accommodate quite well, but the fanatical ones.... They are looking for persecution. It seems no matter WHAT kind of occasion we try and organize, they will find a reason to boycott it.

    When all else fails they fall back on the "bad ass"™ doctrine to boycott any fun times with those "worldly sinners"

    My wife has worked with a lady for 15 years and is GOOD friends at work and yet REFUSES to invite her into our home.

    Her reason She doesn't want to start a habit of bad association.My wife is a nice person but the Borg is in complete control of her mind.

  • JAVA
    On television, if ever there is a JW mentioned, it's usually a very funny bit, making fun of them. That always used to bother me, but now I get it.

    I still remember hearing a JW joke while in the Tower many years ago. It went something like this:

    A policeman walks up to a man standing on the corner and says, "Are you a Jehovah Witness?" The man said, "No officer, I didn't even see the accident."

    When Witnesses are mentioned in the media, it's typically like the above. About the only time it's different is during some of the larger assemblies, but only in the local news. Even then they seem like followers without a life--which is no joke.

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