Well, in 3 weeks, I guess not too many books/magazines will be "placed" during that time. Will there be a big push to get the "inactive" and new out to do the work. I bet some elders/congregations will have the rank and file just putting them in the doors without talking to people.
As Poztate said, it is a 3 hours drive one way to the convention site. I could understand if they saturated the area within an hour's drive of the site but..........
I think this is an exercise in trying to get out the deadbeat rank and file in the d2d..........
BTW, I was reading the Lamp book (predecessor to the OM book) and the use of handbills (printed with the public talk/speaker for that Sunday) at every possible moment, give to everyone at the door, bible studies, family, friends, workmates, people on the street, etc.
They stopped printing specific handbills and used generic when the speaker was not as reliable as could be expected. I have seen speakers switched by the visiting speaker's congregation without even notifying the elders of the congregation they are visiting.
Blondie (waiting to see if anyone calls here)