A couple of months ago Behindtheiron curtain posted a thread about The Secret. I inaccurately said it was by the Raelians, who also made What the Bleep. I was wrong on both counts. What the Bleep was not done by the Raelians but Ramthas school of enlightenment, and was a weak New Age summary of Quantum Physics. Neither of these two groups are related to the people that made The Secret. The Secret is quite a lot more interesting.
I watched The Secret the other night and was very impressed. Don't read any further if you dont want to know the punchline............................................... The secret is that what you imagine will be. It discusses that everything in the universe is an interconnected energy field, and that positive thinking affects all that is around you. If you think you will be rich, you will be rich. This is the secret that has been known but all great minds.
Before you scoff, the movie is a documentary (in the style of What the Bleep) that quotes from a lot of famous people from the ages. It agrees with the concept of Christianity that they more you pray the more likely something will happen, and quotes from Einstein and Buddha.
Another cool thing is that the movie is one of the first that can stream in real time in good quality over the internet, and you pay with PayPal. If you live in Australia then you will need to hide your IP address to be able to watch it. It is at www.thesecret.tv