Holy spirit and the kingdom ministry and school guidebooks

by architect 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • architect

    Can we honestly say that holy spirit guides the writing of the kingdom ministry each month?

    Can we honestly say that the holy spirit guided the writings of the school guidebooks we have to teach us how to be better speakers when the this same info is has been used by speech coaches and the likes for years as well as being taught in secular school english classes?

  • lovelylil

    No. There is no Holy Spirit guiding the WT organization. We can honestly give that answer without being judgemental because as an organization, they are not bearing the "fruit of the Spirit", thus we know they are not guided by it. And, they are filled with false teachings and rules of men. Paul explained that those with the spirit were not given a spirit of slavery again. And this is what the JWs are, slaves to the Watchtower.

    However, on an individual basis, I know some who as Jehovah's Witnesses, still in the Org. have the Holy Spirit on them. Many though, eventually leave the Tower.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I know where you're going with this one architect. Let me take it a step further.

    Does gods spirit guide the brothers in Brooklyn to invest their money the best way possible for the highest return? I mean, more money means more magazines right?
    When you take it to such extremems, you get to see how crazy the idea of a modern organization for God really is.

  • stillajwexelder

    No it is the thoughts of men in Brooklyn - quite abit is non-scriptural

  • freetosee

    As a JW I never considered the school guidebook to be inspired. Neither did I hear the WT make that claim. Or do you know different? I really don’t remember claims like this.

    Now looking back, the TMSchool or FS Meetings and Service Meetings seem so bizarre and ever so businesslike. Knorr surly knew what he wanted to accomplish and we faithfully followed.

    Actually, this training has helped me in my carrier.

  • mrsjones5

    But some jws do think that they are inspired. Think about the jws who keep reams and reams of watchtower and awake mags because they just can't throw them away, it feels slightly blasphemous to do so. How do I know this? My parents do it.


  • KW13

    If the holy spirit is there...if God is truly pushing them...if he's not letting them do anything other than his will...WHY THE MISTAKES?

    New light = new things seen, so surely you'd not make a decision on anything till you saw the way it was to be done. If you had got light before, how come it can indicate the complete opposite to what you finally get to?

    How come new light could appear again and change what the Society believe to be 'rock solid'?

    If its his org, why does he allow them to look stupid in front of the world with prophecies that dont happen, surely God wouldn't allow that?

  • greendawn

    No there is no Holy Spirit guidance for the JWs and that is fairly obvious since they can never get their doctrines right, the real truth never changes unlike what they have on offer as the truth. It would be ridiculous to think that God can't give them the right truths from the first time (try).

  • architect

    thoughts well taken...How often I should add do we hear at these meetings "this is from Jehovah, view your assignment like its from Jehovah, this information is from the faithful slave and it what Jehovah wants us to have, Jehovah is telling us how we need to be at the conventions"...bla, bla, bla and so forth. True the ministry school guide books and us giving talks and reading assignments have helped a lot of us, but it would have helped us even if we took classes else where.

    Face it JW's are taught that anything that comes from the FDS is bu Jehovah- point blank


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Your totally correct architect.
    I might add at this point that it's in areas like these that you are able to see the Watchtower for what it really is. For all of their condemnation on the Catholics for instance, they fall back to the same line of thinking:
    God works through men and organization, not individuals. If you disagree with the organization, then you disagree with God and are guilty of heresy.

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