From the latest ( May 06) Kingdom Ministry , front page article entitled "Follow Me Continually"
"And think of the loving assistance provided by brothers who serve on Hospital Liason Committees and Patient Visitation Groups."
Now, for you who don't already know, the Hospital Liason Committees are local elders appointed to support the Watchtower's blood
doctrine when Witnesses go to the hospital. However, many doctors and hospitals might 'catch on' that these deluded fanatics
are encouraging people to die for the Watchtower's misguided view of blood and thus, exclude them. So, they also have
"Patient Visitation Groups" who can hover over the sick and dying to remind them ( by their presence) of the possibility of being
"disassociated" if they take blood, while in such a vunerable and feeble state, as cynically calculated by Watchtower leaders
- and their lawyers.
How wonderful. How merciful. How empathetic. How respectful of the example of Jesus Christ, who needed no Gestapo to
keep tabs on him, to enforce his sacrificial death. Such is the evil that calls itself "Watchtower".