HOLY SHYTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHYTE!!!!!!!!!!! ATTN LOST FANS!

by kittyeatzjdubs 79 Replies latest social entertainment

  • free2beme

    Interesting, never added them up before, nice attention to detail though. No wonder I like this series.

  • free2beme

    Okay, tonight it proved a few things. One, the others are not the dirty people in tents they showed. Walt said, "they are not what they seem" and "they are doing test on me." It also showed they were not the spooky mystic people they looked like. They were putting on a show, and that beard on the big guy looked really fake tonight. So basically, it is appearing what I thought from the beginning is the case, rats in a maze.

  • Swan

    I think, after last night's episode, that my pet theory that Michael an Walt are leaving the show in the finale is more certain than ever. Michael has asked to not only get Walt back, but for the boat. Michael has certainly burned his bridges with the group by killing Ana Lucia and Libby, and leading Jack, Hugo, Sawyer, and Freckles (I love that nickname) into what looks certainly like a trap. This would resolve that issue as well as a problem the show has faced from day one...

    For every month or two of story time on the island, a whole year (a TV season) passes in the real world. How do you keep a child actor from aging two years in the course of what is three or four months of story time? Walt is definitely getting taller. They can keep substituting younger babies to play Aaron, and nobody will notice, but Walt is a pivotal character, and the real life actor who portrays him, Malcolm David Kelley, just turned 14 this month. They have limited his time on the show this year with the kidnapping plot, but how much longer can they keep doing that?


  • Elsewhere
    For every month or two of story time on the island, a whole year (a TV season) passes in the real world. How do you keep a child actor from aging two years in the course of what is three or four months of story time? Walt is definitely getting taller. They can keep substituting younger babies to play Aaron, and nobody will notice, but Walt is a pivotal character, and the real life actor who portrays him, Malcolm David Kelley, just turned 14 this month. They have limited his time on the show this year with the kidnapping plot, but how much longer can they keep doing that?

    The problem with Walt can easily be solved by removing his pituitary gland along with a bit of hormone therapy.

  • sir82

    Did anybody figure out what to do with the www.letyourcompassguideyou.com website?

    I just get a green screen with a compass, whos needle follows the mouse pointer around.

  • daystar

    So, as some of us theorized, it's not likely now that Michael is in fact one of the experiment Operators, or involved with them much beyond how he is currently.

    My son thought that he saw the frenchie in the Others' village. He swears that he saw her. I rewound and looked, but we coulnd't see her. But that made me think about the possibility that she is also an Other.

    The preview showed that the boat they find belongs to Jack's buddy, the guy who he met in the stadium (forgot his name), who went globe-trotting, and who they found living in the hatch originally. Why is he still hanging around the island?

    Also, Ms. "Clue", knew Sawyer's real name when I don't think anyone else knows his real name other than Locke.

    Any relation between Ms. Clue and Mr. Ecko?


    Did anybody figure out what to do with the www.letyourcompassguideyou.com website?

    I just get a green screen with a compass, whos needle follows the mouse pointer around.

    Could it be that the magnetic field in the Swan hatch is affecting the magnetic field on the island?

    Can any translate this: Permissum Vestri Complector Rector Vos? This came up on the top of my window when I clicked on the compass link. I tried, but struck out online.

    Did anyone catch what Mrs. Clue said to Michael? It was verbatim what Michael's ex told him at the custody hearing.

    I think that writing off Michael & Walt is plausible, but I don't know if they leave the island alive or dead.

  • sir82

    Did anybody figure out what to do with the www.letyourcompassguideyou.com website?

    I just get a green screen with a compass, whos needle follows the mouse pointer around.

    OK, figured it partly out.

    Swing your pointer past "east" just a bit, in the green area. Eventually the background changes and becomes "clickable" at the "108 degree" mark.

    Click on it, and a small screen pops up, asking if you are "one of the good ones"?

    Answer with a "n" and you are taken to the same ols "thehansofoundation.org" website.

    Answer with a "y" and you are taken to an FTP-looking site, with folder names. But clicking on any of the names just yields a "built-in" permission denied" error.

    Guess I'll have to play around some more...

  • Jim_TX

    The words that appear at the top of the web site are...

    Permissum Vestri Complector Rector Vos

    They are latin, and translate to...

    Permissum = to allow, permit, let

    Vestri = your, yours

    Complector = compass

    Rector = guider, leader, director, ruler, master

    Vos = you

    ...or perhaps an English translation would be something like...

    Allow your Compass to Guide You


    Jim TX


    The words that appear at the top of the web site are...

    Permissum Vestri Complector Rector Vos

    They are latin, and translate to...


    Permissum = to allow, permit, let

    Vestri = your, yours

    Complector = compass

    Rector = guider, leader, director, ruler, master

    Vos = you

    ...or perhaps an English translation would be something like...

    Allow your Compass to Guide You


    Jim TX

    LOL! I should have figured that one out!

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