I am well pleased that you Applegate's article at hand. This article is comes on the back of all previous published articles on the vexed seventy years and you should also have those articles at hand also before appreciating the significance of the latest study. These articles or souces are note in footnote 3. Also, you need to read what Jonsson' interpretation is and how it compares to all other published views and opinions on the seventy years. Further, you should consult those leading commentaries on Daniel, Jeremiah, Zechariah and Ezra regarding the specific seventy year passages.
Applegate's article does not advocate 607 or any other date for that matter but is simply a study of the influence of the Jeremiah seventy year texts had on all other seventy year texts. This approach conflicts directly with the opinoion of Jonsson who denies such connection and influence.
scholar JW