by badboy 16 Replies latest jw friends
To me the fact that they believe they're God's "chosen" people is one of the most arrogant thoughts someone can have.
Of course. They may not have thought of themselves as regular human beings but they couldn't escape it. The ones in charge often develop an attitude of superiority and pride. The pioneers do too...I've heard several stories of those in the Pio ranks looking down on dubs who didn't do as much. In their minds, everybody else was a slacker.
I was always at the bottom rungs of the congregation heirarchy but there were still a few times that I was arrogant about one thing or another. Human nature. Its just more ugly when you see it in a group of people who believe they are better than everybody else.
To me the fact that they believe they're God's "chosen" people is one of the most arrogant thoughts someone can have.
drew sagan
To me the fact that they believe they're God's "chosen" people is one of the most arrogant thoughts someone can have.
So true. Thinking that an organization or belief makes you the best on earth has been one of the biggest downfalls of mankinds history. JWs are simply another mark on a long list. -
Oh def most from the elders and there wives and the pioneers. They were all better than us lowly ones
To me the fact that they believe they're God's "chosen" people is one of the most arrogant thoughts someone can have.
Double Ditto!!
Has anyone ever heard of the jws refering to themselves as the "New Jews"? I seem to recall hearing that when I was growing up among the jws.
Triple Ditto about saying they are chosen by God. My young son once said if only JWs are in the new earth, he didn't think it would be a very fun place to live - out of the mouths of babes!
What hit me when I first left was the realization that I no longer considered ordinary people standing in the supermarket checkout line as somehow different than me or my JW friends but rather only as peers trying to struggle with the same issues and strifes I had. On the one hand a very humbling experience but on the other a rude awakening to the mind control I suffered in the Org.