Have you ever been "Rated"

by JH 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra

    Here is my Hot or Not photo link:
    Boost my rating folks!!! Right now I'm at a 5.9 (I think). :(
    If it is not a "clickable" link just paste it into your browser- I don't know how to put actual links in here.
    Think this would be a good memorial outfit?

  • kid-A

    Hot or Not is one of the most entertaining sites on the web! Some people posting there must really enjoy the abuse or public humiliation! LOL

    As for JoJo, she would be a "10" hands down!!!

  • serendipity

    My question is:

    Why would a person want to be rated, if s/he is not a 10 and knows it?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    no thanks

  • kid-A

    Why do you want to be rated, if you are not a 10 and know it?

    At any given time, there are some butt-ugly people on that site. However, the fact that they have posted suggests either 1) they are completely self-deluded and actually

    believe they are attractive or 2) They honestly enjoy the abuse in some weird, masochistic way.

  • serendipity

    I was surprised how many older people put their pics up. Can you meet people for free? If so, is this being used as a substitute for match.com or other sites?

    I aslo have to say that people are more generous in most of their ratings than I would be.

  • ButtLight
    Why would a person want to be rated, if s/he is not a 10 and knows it?

    I dont think you have to be a 10. Everyone has different tastes, so if to some your a 2, to others you may be a 9! I was hoping for at least a 7 lol! But actually, I really didnt care on that site. I think some click low scores just for the heck of it. I did get a 9.5, but I sure aint no 9.5 lol

  • ColdRedRain

    I rated a 9.1 even with this picture.

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