i have also had many nightmares about satanic people trying to sacrifice me or deamons after me. now i view them as silly nonsence. i remember seeing ghost busters at the theaters and i had a fear of slimer the friendly green ghost for about a year. now i like to watch scary movies and can watch about three of them a night by myself in the dark and then go to bed without any problems. i think its nonsence and don't believe in the urban legands or demonic stories i see in the movies. if there were deamons i think they would be very different than what we have been used to hearing about.
One of the long term effects of growing up a JW...
by Pwned 54 Replies latest jw friends
I know exactly what you are saying, I can clearly remember in the early 70's as a small kid, going to the big assembly in Detroit, There was a talk that was nothing but one after another stories about demon attack, It made an impression on me, so much so, that I had a horrible dream that night about demon attack.
I had problems leaving the cult in my late 30's still looking at material items as is it possessed.
To any one who has been in the cult for years will know exactly what I am saying, many dubbs do not even go to yard sales for fear of getting something "demonized"
I even remember the "smurf scare of the mid 80's" when people would shun others for letting their kids watch, or even have smurf PJ's
It took me many years of self therapy to get over the delusion of demons being under every rock and behind every tree.
This is I believe instilled in the rank and file to keep them in line, what a better way to keep people in line than fear. I can tell story after story of people who really believe that they are being attacked by demons, and aint it funny that it is always dubbers? and not just any dubber, but the most fanatical believers.
They will say that "the demons attack hova's people" aint that convenient, it is post hock, add hock and every other kind of reasoning that does not hold to any sort of reason.
I know enjoy a life free of demon worry, and I pick up the good deals at flea markets.
Just to give an idea of how this sort of mind conditioning works, have you ever went to sleep right after watching a horror movie? Many times you have bad dreams, your mind feeds on what you put into it. Why do people who are nutbar followers of the catholic faith have stigmata? If you put crap into your head you will get crap out.
If you don't believe me just look a the suicide bombers of the middle east. They really think they are going to heaven, and some Christian people really believe in demon possession.
If we could just get ride of religion out of this world and educate people, think of how much better a place this would be.
No more dead gods on crosses or stakes, "nice image the babble gives us aitn it" no more idiots in 1k$ suits telling us not to watch Dan browns new movie, no more Jack van gimpy. not more Freddy brown shoes, and the list goes on and on
I'm 39 and I have been innactive for the past 7 years and still in my dreams I see that demons attack me. And those dreams they seem so real sometimes that I usually scream in my sleep. Watchtower has always been a demon possesed religion. It has to do with the occult roots of the early years of the WT.
Dr Jekyll
All these demon based dreams, I've never had one so I'd love to know what these demons look like in peoples dreams.
Suffering demons is like suffering a Hickcock movie - the suspense is what gets to you ...slowly but surely you're wound up into bundle of unreasoning fear till you finnally crack and find yourself running down the street naked screaming waaaaaaaahhhhhhrrrr .. this is why those strong in the truthâ„¢ always wear nice pyjamas.